chapter 1

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It was just another normal, boring day.

"Another one down, sir," you called through your earpiece, informing your squad commander of your accomplishment. You watched through your long-range scope as your victim fell helplessly to the ground. Of course, the silencer on your deadly weapon prevented any other enemies from being aware of his death.

At the moment, you were around the outskirts of Las Almas trying to help a friend of German Special Forces known as El Sin Nombre. El Sin Nombre said he had information about who is supplying terrorists with weapons to invade Vienna in Austria.

What was your mission? Eliminate Alejandro Vargas of Mexican Special Forces.

Their base is where you were stationed, laying down camouflaged in the grass trying to infiltrate the area and eliminate the target.

Even though you were from France originally, you spent most of your life in Austria, and you weren't gonna let anyone terrorize it. You joined the Austrian army when you turned eighteen to serve your country, and when your talent as a sniper known as "Odile" became well-known in the area, German Special Forces recruited you to put a stop to the recent havoc being waged in Vienna.

"Keep going, Odile. If we're gonna get to Austria and get those terrorists out of Vienna, we need to work fast."

Vienna... Could that be where Kilgore is?

You sigh, recalling those old fuzzy memories of the two of you playing through the grimy back allies of the spacious city, eating melted ice cream until your hands got sticky and shooing away the pestering rats that would emerge from the Dumpsters nearby. Nobody knew that it was just the two of you trying to get away from your parents. They all thought you and Kilgore — er, König as people refer to him now — were homeless kids trying to scavenge for whatever shelter you could.

And partially, that was true. You both hated your families and would run away together frequently for weeks, surviving on your own on the streets of Austria. You hated your parents for a variety of reasons, but the biggest one was that they moved you away from your home country, France.

You began to love Austria when you met Kilgore though.


You shook out of your trance and hissed as a bullet whizzed past your head. Your body slammed into the bushes beside you, ducking down for cover.

"I don't know what the hell you were doing, but the enemy is now aware of your location. Get out of there! We'll have to retreat and try a different approach."

You cursed yourself inwardly and dashed out of the way of what seemed like a hundred bullets aiming straight for you. Your lungs burned as you threw your body violently every which way trying to dodge the enemies attacks.

"Merde!" you shouted, a bullet grazing your shoulder. You were weighed down by the heaviness of your sniper as your body pummeled forward. You tripped over tree branches and bushes, yet still remained upright and kept running.

"Odile! Get out of there!"

"I'm working on it!" you growled in response. You almost made it through a rough patch in the woods when you're almost blinding by multiple red laser beams. You squint and blink rapidly, backpedaling slowly and instinctively raising your hands up on the air.

You could hear your heartbeat in your ears and your mouth went dry. They got me. I'm done for.

"Odile. Status? Odile! ODILE! HOW COPY?"

You closed your eyes and waited for the bullets to rain.

Black Swan | Ghost & König [I] ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant