chapter 27

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"We're here."

Your own voice sounded distant, as if it did not belong to you. Before exiting the car, you turned your head to give König and Ghost a serious look.

"What's the plan?" Ghost said.

"There is no plan," Kilgore replied. "Look at the place—" he gestured with his gloved hand, "—it's small. Its quiet. There's probably only a few of Hofmann's men here, if any at all."

"Don't be ridiculous, König," Ghost said, his voice level. You hardly ever heard Ghost address him by his name. "This is Hofmann we're talking about. He works for Hassan. There's always a trick. Always. It's not this easy."

"He's right," you nodded. You scrutinized the building; it was a small cottage, a run down home. The stone-brick walls were mossy and aged, the roof caved in and damaged, revealing its wooden skeleton structure. The entire place was eery, and what made it worse is that it was sitting in the middle of nowhere.

"Let's look at it referring to its size," Ghost began, and you could tell by the swirling determination in his irises that he had already formulated a good plan. But Kilgore interrupted him with an eye roll.

"It's small, obviously."

"Let me finish," Ghost deadpanned.


"As I was saying," Simon continued, "the general area is secluded and small in size. Fancy ARs and rifles in general will be useless. This is where our skills in close combat make an appearance." He glared at Kilgore. "Let's hope you're good at it."

"You have nothing to worry about," König practically growled. You could cut the tension with a knife.

"We need to pack light," Ghost said. "For agility, so we can get this over with as soon as possible. If you have anything that could weigh you down on your person, discard it. You'll only need a knife and a pistol."

With a pout, you glanced at your sniper in the floor of the backseat; you're not stupid, you knew you wouldn't need it from the get-go. But you still brought it with you for emotional support.

Listening to Ghost's commands, Kilgore removed some extra items off his person, though he seemed annoyed when he did so. You quirked a brow. Earlier he seemed like he liked Simon, thanking him for saving your life and everything, and now he's acting like this?

A realization hit you like brick. He must've saw you and Ghost when he kissed you, when he took off his mask. You immediately felt guilty.

"Judging on the construction of the house, it likely has a back door," Ghost informed. "Not only that, but windows, of course. And the state of the place suggests that they're all probably broken. Won't be hard for us to get in."

"You named two doors and windows," you said in thought. "Are you suggesting we split up and go in separately?"

"This is a stealth mission, [Y/N]," Ghost answered. Kilgore stiffened when he said your name. "It's a must. We don't know how many men are in there and what kind of danger they pose. It's better we get at the place at all angles."

"They won't know we're here," Kilgore added, slowly looking over to you. "Hofmann is the only one that knew they were here in the first place, and now he's dead. He had no time to warn them or even Hassan."

"You're welcome," you sighed, looking at your nails through your fingerless gloves.

"Enough chit-chat," Ghost interrupted. "Let's go. We need to get the fuck outta Austria as soon as we can. We've got other missiles to disarm."

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