chapter 21

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It was easy. Too easy.

The moment Ghost met Soap under the stage, he was met with a narrow stairwell. The stairs themselves, individually, were all wooden and broken to some extent. He guaranteed that if he were to walk on them, they would made significant noise.

Soap was awaiting him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Lt. Good to see ya," Johnny nodded. He then looked around, his pistol pointed to the ground and in hand. "This place is like a labyrinth. I'd say there's more space down here than there is backstage."

"You said you found it?" Ghost huffed from atop the stairs.

"I did. It's a ways from here," Soap nodded. "This place is a ghost town. Only sign of life being those two guards guarding the door to what I assume to be the missile."

"Ghost town?" Ghost said. "Perfect for me then."

"Don't worry about the stairs. They can't hear us from here."

That explains why Soap was able to speak to him so freely over the comms. Ghost made his way down hastily. He then peaked the corner and looked left and right. Soap had a point. There was absolutely nothing down here apart from icy stone brick walls and cement floors.

"We should inform the others," Ghost said as he and Johnny began to move.


"Gaz, Captain," he called through his headpiece. "We've found it. Stay where you are. Minimal threat down here. We can take care of it."

"Copy that, Lieutenant."

"Let's move." Ghost turned to Soap and gestured down the hall.

The place was eerie. The walls were cracked and damaged, each nook and cranny littered with gray cobwebs. The floor cracked underneath their step. Ghost looked down. Shattered glass and... something else...?

"What the hell..." he murmured. He turned around. "Soap. Watch your step. Careful of making too much noise."

Soap acknowledged him as they paraded on. As they continued, the damage to the general area became more evident. Ghost couldn't help but shiver. It was like Antarctica down here. It was moist, yet absolutely freezing. He touched the wall with a gloved hand, then observed his fingers. The walls were wet, as if they were sweating.

They turned down another hallway, becoming more stealthy as they proceeded; they were approaching the missile the more they continued.

"'Ey, Lt., what the fuck is that?"

Ghost looked to the wall where Soap gestured. Shackles.

That explained it. This was a dungeon. For what and which time period, Ghost could only wonder.

"Looks like the Hofmanns have some explaining to do," Ghost mused.

"We're here. Right down that hall. That's where they are," Soap said. Ghost nodded, then put a finger to his mouth, signaling them to be silent.

He scanned the area. It was exactly as Soap described. Two men walking around aimlessly, rifles in their hand. They wore normal attire with tactical gear strapped over their bodies. They had headpieces like Ghost and Soap.

Definitely Hassan's men.

This was too easy. Surely there was a catch.

Ghost felt a poke on his shoulder.

Soap gave him a look, and then handed him a silenced pistol. Ghost nodded to Soap in appreciation. He then peaked over the corner and aimed the weapon, staring through the scope to get a precise shot.

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