Chapter Nineteen: Voice

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A month have passed since the visit with Dr. Strom. Everyone seemed to avoid talking about anything of my life before and my birth date which made it even more noticeable.

I didn't know why, but recently they all go silent anytime I'm around when they were talking then pretend that they weren't doing anything once I was noticed.

So for today, I decided that I should stay in and read one of many books that Grandpa gave me. Nadia and Aidan had been reading with me before they were called away suddenly.

Being alone for the first time here was strangely quiet. I thought that I was used to being alone, but since Papa brought me here- it's been fun and interesting.

Maybe it's because it was so quiet; allowing my mind to wander that I started questioning:

Is it because I was sick? Or don't know when I was born? Maybe they were starting to get tired of me...

'Its because your a bad child'

"W-who said that?" I quickly turned around and looked around my room, seeing no one.

'Does it really matter?' The voice laughed in a way that felt wrong. 'You know I'm right'

"N-no." I clenched my fist. "Your wrong."

'Then why-' The voice seemed to slide to one ear. 'Is everyone avoiding you?'

"I-i" I couldn't answer.

'Exactly' it was smug with my response. 'Just like how Daddy abandoned you... Your Papa will to'

"NO!" I tried to push away the voice. "Papa s-said-"

'Papa s-said' It copies in a high pitched tone. 'Haven't you learned already? Nobody cares about you. Your just useful for the time being... Just like how Daddy thought you were useful.'

"P-papa is n-nothing like D-daddy!"

'Are you sure about that?' The voice huffs. 'Did you really think a powerful being like Terzin would take in a half-dead worthless child just because? What? Did you think because he gave you a 'name' that you are now worth something? Even though you wear expensive clothing and eat tasty food doesn't mean that you won't be thrown away at the first chance they get.'

"N-no I w-won't!" I stood up, dropping the book onto the table with a clatter. "G-go away!!"

"Princess?" Mimi knocks on the door as the voice laughs. "Are you alright?"


'You'll see' It fades away as Mimi enters, looking concerned.

"Princess!" She suddenly rushes in and looks me over before glancing at the table. "Are you alright? Did you cut yourself?"

"N-no." I shook my head as I tried to stop shaking. I didn't know why she asked me if I cut myself until I noticed the broken cup pieces over the table and floor. "I-i'm okay."

"What happened?" Mimi waves her hand, using magic to clean up the shards and drink from the table.

"I-i" I could tell from how she reacted that she didn't hear the voice. "Dropped my b-book."

"I am glad that you are not hurt." Mimi smiles. "Although I must ask you to please try to be more careful."

"O-okay." I nod.


"How are you feeling Princess?" Nadia asks as we walked through the garden after she came to pick me up. "Princess?"

"S-sorry!" I quickly smile towards her once I noticed her talking to me. I couldn't seem to figure out who was that voice. I had never heard it before, but as much as I don't want to admit: that voice had managed to uncover the fears that I didn't know were there. "I-i was distracted."

 "Are you not feeling well again?" Aidan rushes over from picking a flower from a bush.

"I-i'm fine." I smiled a little as he offers the flower to me. "Just a little t-tired."

"We can go back if you want to rest." Nadia says as they shared looks over my head.

"N-no!" I didn't want to go back to my room in case that voice came back. "I-i feel better already."

This was true, the warm breeze and the scent of flowers seemed to make the voice seem like it was in my imagination.

"Well, that's good!" Aidan returns to being his usual happy self.

I could feel Nadia staring at me, but she lets it go as we walked down the path. 

"W-where are we going?" I asked as I noticed the garden was unfamiliar to me.

"It's a surprise!" Aidan giggles a little at my reaction. "You trust us right?"

I looked at the twins, seeing the same sparkly eyed expression on both of their faces as their tails caused the bushes nearby to move against the wind.

-Your just useful- 

The voice's words echo in my head for a moment, but faded as I met their gaze.

"Y-yes." I smiled at them and saw a return smile so big that it made the fading sunset seem dull. "I do."

"Then Princess, I will have to ask you to close your eyes." Nadia says as she pulls out a cloth from a pouch in her belt. "I will be using this to just as a precaution."

She carefully ties the cloth around my head, just tight enough to stay over my eyes.

"May I carry you Princess?" Aidan's voice comes from in front of me.

I nod, raising my arms and felt him pick me up.

"Let's go."

Heck ya! Chapter Nineteen is finished! Whooho!!🥳🎉

One more chapter before the end of the year everyone! Please look forward to it!☺️🥰

I did want to post this on Christmas, but I only had half of it done at that point so it was delayed to today.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!🎄🎄

Your favorite author!😘

Thanks for reading! Love all of you!!!

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