Chapter Twenty-three: Secrets

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"I see that you are back."  His Majesty's voice welcomes me as I entered the room. "How did it go?"

"Not so well." I jumped on the desk, sending papers flying before deciding one of my paws wasn't as perfect as the other and began to clean it. "I've yet to find out what it was."

"That does not bode well." King Terzin looses his necktie, causing the silk to hang free around his neck as a paper floats into his hand. "It seems like today is a day of bad news."

"Bad news?" I paused mid-lick. "Wha-"

"The human forces are on the move." The old man with the bad attitude says, slightly surprising me at his appearance. "It seems that the whispers of a Hero appearing might be true."

"A Hero, huh?" I couldn't help but scoff. "A puppet is more like it."

"A hero appearing now must have those power-hungry humans all excited."  A grin appears under the old guy's beard, obviously enjoying the idea. "They must not of liked their loss from a few years ago."

The king sighs as he drops the paper and leans against the wall, looking out the window.


"Yes?" I curled my tail around my feet, adding 'Your Majesty' to the question to show respect. 

"For the time being- pause the investigation." He gestures to the window. I jump to the frame to see Soraya wandering the garden below. "Stay around here."

"Yes, my King." I flick an ear to him before slipping through the panes of glass and dropping to the tree and stretch out.

"What ya doing?" I ask, noticing her looking off to the side.


"It looks like 'she' is making a move

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"It looks like 'she' is making a move." Abaddon says as we watched the pair walk back around the castle garden. 

"It seems so."  I turn away from the window, sitting down. "Do you think that we will ever obtain it?"

"I wish I could give you a definite answer, my King." Abaddon shakes his head as shadows grew tall in the room before revealing demons who quickly bowed before me.  "But I do know that your efforts will have an impact; the question is when. As long as 'she' is around, we will have our work cut out for us." 


"Yes, Your Majesty!" The demons answer together, each one lifting their head up for their brief. 



Soraya's scream echo's in my ears as I run towards her, darkness closing in.

I cry out but my words turn white and fall onto the ground before me, building into a wall.

Whispers took up the space between us when Soraya stopped screaming as I start to climb the wall, unable to understand their words though I could tell they were full of malice.

 The wall seemed to grow taller each time I tried to reach the top until I finally got my hand over the ledge and quickly started to pull myself up. I glance over at Soraya to see her on her knees staring up at something that I couldn't see.

I started to call out to her once more when the wall suddenly sucks in my hands and feet, pulling me into itself. I attempted to use magic and found that it wouldn't respond as I felt the promise between us start to shake before shattering to pieces. 


"Soraya!!!!!!" I find myself crashing to the floor as I woke up, immediately rushing down to her room, as the doors slam open. My eyes search the room while my magic set up a shield covering the room. 

"Hm? Papa?" Soraya sits up, rubbing her eyes with her hair all tangled with Nova standing near her, their fur standing on end. "What's wrong?" She asks as I grab onto her shoulders.

I watched my daughter yawn as I checked her over for injuries. 

"Are you alright?" I couldn't calm down.

"Yes?" She could barely keep her eyes open. "Did you have a nightmare Papa?"

I smooth down a strand of hair as I ignored the dirty look I received from Nova who laid back down and curled their tail around them. 

"...Yes." I finally relaxed, feeling the promise between us still here. "It was a nightmare."

"Its okay Papa." Soraya pats my hand. "I get nightmares too."

"I'm sorry my daughter." I couldn't believe that I would be so shaken up by a dream and started to stand. "I did not mean to wake you."

"Papa?" Soraya sits up as I reached the door. "Can I hold your hand?"

"Of course." I smile and go to sit besides the bed, the same place I would always sit when she would have a nightmare.

I offer my hand once I sit down, feeling a small bit of comfort as I held her small hand in mine. Soraya pulls our hands close, rubbing her soft cheek against it for a moment.

"Its okay." She murmurs a little as she falls back into sleep. "I'm here Papa...."

Nova glances up and moves closer to the opposite side of Soraya before closing their eyes once more. 

I held onto that little hand for the rest of the night, only releasing it as dawn approached. 

Heyo! I'm back! So glad to see you! 

Can you all believe that 'The Demon King said to call him Papa has reached 108K views and 3.12K votes!?!?!?!?!?!!!? It feels so great! 

Now I know I promised that this chapter was going to be longer (which it is- so please put down the hatches and torches😅😅) but I needed a good spot to end this chapter so you'll have to be patient with me.

I'm planning on posting the next chapter before the end of this month so don't worry about having to wait for so long!

Love all of you and Thanks for Reading!!!!🥰😘

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