12 | save time

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───── ❝ for the record ❞ ─────

───── ❝ for the record ❞ ─────

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[emei chiba]

"Congratulations, Emei." Koro-sensei squinted his tiny eyes, face becoming red with an O. "You are officially the second person in the world to land a hit on me."

Koro-sensei presented one of his leg tentacles. The end of his shot-off limb dripped in chunks and evaporated as sun beams peaked through the clouds.

Emei's frightened body bounced up and down on the bouncy net it landed on created by Koro-sensei. 

"If I were to save you at the speed of sound your plummeting body would not be able to handle the whiplash of stopping so suddenly. Yet if I were any slower you would've had a clear shot of my face! Worry not, my faithful student, I went for a more sticky approach, nyfufufufu~"

That stuff they say about your life flashing before your eyes is true...The girl thought, mind racing as she processed her almost death. 

Her heart hammered in her ribcage, causing the intense adrenaline to linger. 

"For the record. Students don't die on my watch. Ever. Consider that before you jump next time."

"Gotcha..." Emei whispered. She felt exhausted and desperately needed a good 15-hour nap. 

"Full marks on creativity and dedication!! Will you try again?" The yellow creature's round face changed to red with a big O as he praised his student.


Emei turned on her side and snuggled with one of Koro-sensei's tentacles thinking it was a pillow and passed out on the spot.

Like Tadashi during the training camp:

"Nyrr~ This girl will be the death of me

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"Nyrr~ This girl will be the death of me."

"She's crazy," Karma ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it up a tad.

"I disagree. Even so, at least she didn't make a fool out of herself in front of the class! Nyufufufu~" Koro-sensei poked at Karma's blushing cheeks as the teacher and student walked back into the forest. 

"No one in their right mind would put that much trust in their teacher."

"Of course, you of all people would say that, Karma-kun. Nyufufufufu~"

Korosensei props the sleeping girl up against a tree and pats her head.

"ALRIGHT! I'll be off to New Zealand for a relaxing day at the spa━"

"Hey. You're not leaving me with this idiot." Karma scowled with a thumb pointed behind him. 

"You two were together when this stunt started so naturally, you're going to be together after the failed execution," Koro-sensei clasps his tentacles together approvingly.

"It was her own idea," Karma retorted with a toothy smirk. 

"You encouraged it."

"No, I━"


Koro-sensei took off into the evening sky, blowing off a strong gust of wind that twirled up dust from the ground. 

Karma squinted his eyes as he stared into the horizon and the setting sun; its orange rays spilled onto the blue canvas indicating the end of the day. 


The tall boy glared at the girl still sleeping soundly and squatted down. He poked her cheek...And poked it again upon learning how soft and squishy her skin was. 

"You are insane, y'know." He chortled to himself. The breath from his laugh made Emei whimper slightly. Karma suppressed his laugh.

Just wake her up. Then you can leave her alone. His inner voice spoke.

Karma was about to do that but remembered something she said to him earlier.

"I got lost!"

He guessed it wouldn't hurt to do charity work this time. He doubted that she'll wake up.

"C'mon sweet cheeks, up you go." The redhead puffed out a grunt and hoisted Emei on his back. The weight of her head dropping on his shoulder made the boy frown. "Wish I could sleep like you..."

Karma hooked his arms under her legs, clicked his tongue for dramatic effect, and mentally prepared for the long journey down the mountain.

"Nyufufufu~ I'm doing Cupid's work."

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