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The brush swipes across my face as I stare into the mirror. A delicate flush overlaying my cheeks, not too much not too little. I need to do this to fit in with the other girls, plus I find doing makeup calming although it hasn't been since becoming a cheerleader. We got a new head teacher a while back who is obsessed with football and at every opportunity tries to intergrade it into our British school. It was peculiar at first, but we've become used to it. This did mean that there was more pressure for me to become a cheerleader considering my boyfriend is an amazing footballer. Making sure my makeup and hair sits just right I head downstairs to breakfast. Jessie is leaning leisurely against the counter; she goes to college which starts a little later than my school so she's always more relaxed in the morning. She's wearing a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with fishnets underneath and an oversized, worn, grey band t-shirt. Her eyes are circled in eyeliner and black eyeshadow with her loose blonde curls naturally framing her face. She never does much to her hair, but it looks naturally perfect, unlike mine that is unruly and frizzy until I straighten it although luckily no one's seen that since I figured out what a hair straighter was at the age of ten (although my mum banned me to use it until I was twelve).

She's too fixated on her phone to acknowledge me straight away which is awkward because I need to mauver around her to get to the toaster.

"Do you need a lift to school?" She asks still not looking up. Looking out the window I notice that the sky is greyer than usual but not too grey to rain.

"No, I should be fine," I decide. Jessie has been acting weirder to me than usual. We're quite close but she's starting to seem kind of obsessive over my love life like she knows something is up. Not that there is anything different than usual, other than the fact I think I have a crush on someone who hates me. It is my fault, I'm aware of that but I couldn't think of any other way to get her attention without everyone assuming I'm a lesbian. I don't even know if I like her maybe it's something else which is why I haven't told my boyfriend Kyle yet. Kyle and I have a deal that if we start developing feelings for someone else, we'll tell each other but we only break up if we kiss that person or if we know the feeling are reciprocated. Although I'm hesitant to do this because if I find out Addison likes me back then I must deal with the whole ordeal of coming out. Not to mention what Kyle would say, I don't think his homophobic, but I can't be sure. We're only together because of peer pressure, at first, we were attracted to each other but not anything more than that.

"Blair are you sure? You zoned out for a bit?"

Snapping my head towards her I nod, "Yeah sorry I just started thinking of it raining."

"If you're adamant on walking to school I can always pick you up depending on when I'm done with college," she responds gulping down the rest of her coffee

"That'd be amazing." Picking up my school bag I leave knowing that if I leave now, I'll get to school early enough to please my friends.


"Blair you're here!" Lizzy squeaked running up to me embracing her arms around mine. Coughing from the tightness I try my best to hug her back, but my arms are locked into place by hers. Lizzy was always over the top when it came to greeting, some people think it's cute but for me it's just annoying.

'Lizzy let me go or I will individually snap all your acrylics," I hiss.

"Haha Blair you're so funny," she responded pulling away squeezing my arms with a patronisingly happy grin.

Looking over her shoulder I notice Kyle walking over towards us. My pulse rises in my chest, gilt gnawing at my stomach. I know I need to have a conversation with him soon, as much as I hate to admit it my feelings for Addison have progressed more than I'd expected. Kyle stands before me leaning down to give me a quick kiss. Leaning toward him I let our lips touch although I somewhat have feelings for him, they're nowhere near as powerful as they used to be. Kissing him back I pull away after what I deem is they reasonable amount of time. Gripping the sides of his blazer I whisper, "Can we talk after school?"

My crush on the Cheerleader (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now