Chapter twenty one-Tears

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I'm waiting outside Blair's hospital room with her parents and her sister. Jessie came over to me saying "I know you're her friend but why do you care so much that you have been waiting out here for hours, which you could just be a fantastic friend but I'm not so sure?"

I looked over at her my eyes strained and probably bloodshot "Like you said she's my friend."

"No it's more that that, and don't say best friend," she replied with a slight forced laugh and smile.

Even though I could hear what she is saying it's like my mind couldn't process it. There's a layer of fog covering all my senses. The only other thing I can feel is the gnawing in my stomach acting like claws trying to break me. A cold shiver ran throughout my body stopping all of my body working properly feeling numb. As the thoughts slowly trailed around my mind I tried to process exactly what she said. Do I tell her?

I looked over at Jessie seeing all the similarity's that Blair also has, even from just looking at her sister I started to break down crying. Jessie pulled me in for an awkward side hug but I somewhat found it comforting.

"You don't have to answer but it's been bugging me for a while?" Blair's sister murmured.

"W-what do you m-mean?" It came out in sobs.

"Well for starters the first day I met you, she never really seemed to bothered about anyone except herself and Kyle."

I nodded in response silently gesturing for her to carry on.

"Oh and they way she looked at you in the car, she looked so happy just looking at you but also like she was longing for more. I'd thought that you two were at least already friends because she wouldn't just want me to bring back anyone who she barley knew home from the rain."

Then she quickly added "Don't get me wrong she's a nice person but she can act like a bitch sometimes."

"Yeah, I know," I replied with a slight laugh that I instantly felt guilty for because my girlfriend is currently in a hospital bed getting tests done.

"So I have my guess of what's happening but I want to hear you say it," Jessie replied looking at me with a sense of curiosity before I could answer she asked "Do you love her?"

I gulped finding this hallway increasingly hot all of a sudden. Do I love Blair? I've thought about it before but never for to long. I'd also thought a bit about the future, us with a small flat whilst we finish our schooling and are getting jobs. Me waking her up in the morning brewing us both a cup of tea and attempt to make breakfast for her.

"Well I don't know about love yet," I admitted sheepishly even though part of me did know that Blair already had a piece of my heart as I'm beginning to fall in love with her. Each day that I'm with her I can feel more of out hearts connecting becoming one. Was this what love felt like?

"Wait let me just get something straight, are you and Blair dating or not?" Jessie burst out sounding impatient.

"Yes," It barley came out as a whisper but I felt like I needed to tell her. I'll explain to Blair what's happened and hopefully she wont mind her sister knowing. I looked over towards Jessie who seemed to have a satisfied smirk across her face.


A doctor came from Blair's room, as soon as we saw him we were like moths flying to the light. Blair's parents didn't seem to care who I was nor why I'm here so I just ignored them as they did me. Jessie seemed to go pale waiting for what the doctor could have to say.

"Is Blair okay?" Jessie asked speaking before the doctor could.

"Yes she should be fine, the tests came back with only her arm being broken. I'm guessing that's from the impact of her falling on the floor. She was lucky that there wasn't any injury's to her head only a few scratches and bruises on her face that will heel quickly," He replied sounding slightly bored.

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