Chapter seventeen-Blair's friends

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Today is the first day of being at school with my girlfriend, it still feels weird to even think that I have a girlfriend. I got up and curled my hair trying to make some sort of effort to look presentable and did natural makeup. A few years ago I loved makeup and put it on trying to perfect each stroke but now I can barely be bothered to put on mascara. When I was dressed I headed downstairs for breakfast.

The table was silent as I ate my cornflakes drowned in milk; by that they'd turned soggy. It was an awkward silence, no one even bothered to greet one another after they found out about my brothers boyfriend. Marcus was looking down at his bowl in silence with his headphones in and beanie placed lopsided on his head. The slight hum of music coming out his headphones were the only sound that filled the room. Deciding I didn't want anymore I pushed the bowl away from me and quietly excused myself from the table. After I finished getting ready for school.

Today Blair and I have chosen to walk to school today considering it is out first day of being in a relationship. I walked out to the front of my house and waited on the step so my mum and dad wouldn't question who Blair is. In the meantime I scroll through my phone catching up on social media. I clicked on Blair's profile but it was private with lots of followers that were fellow cheerleaders and jocks. My thumb hovered over the request to follow sign contemplating if I should click it. It could look kind of weird considering were suppose to not really know each other and even dislike each other especially after the smoothie incident. The voice in the back of my head told me this was a bad idea and not press the button but the over voice wanted me to press it so I could see what kind of photos she posts. I listened to the voice that told me not to figuring it was the best choice and I could always ask Blair if I could look at her Instagram, and I guess at some point people will know about us.

Blair walked up the pavement looking fabulous as always in her tight school uniform and heels. I'm surprised that her and her group of friends get away with wearing heels considering it's against school policy.

"Hey," she said walking up to me then placed a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"Hi," I replied back already blushing.

No one really walks to school the way I do so Blair and I are held hand in hand. The whole way to school we're talking about random stuff we like and funny posts we've seen online. I told her about a hilarious video on YouTube about a rabbit being told it's adopted. We carried on like that until we are near the school gates. Letting go of each others hands we walk in separately like we don't know or care about each other in any way.

I walked of to my locker after mumbling a quick goodbye to Blair and saw that Tess and April are already there.

"So spill the tea," Tess said without even saying a greeting of any sort.

"What tea?" I asked chuckling nervously.

"Don't think I didn't see that little mumble of a goodbye Addison Bella Grey," Tess said using my full name for probably the first time in years. I think the last time she called me that was when I stole some of her ice-cream.

I stared down at my battered black covers suddenly finding each imperfection of wear interesting. The more I looked I started making up stories for every speck of dirt or grass stain.

"It's rude not to answer when someone is talking to you," Tess pointed out being overdramatic like always.

"There's no tea," I exclaimed trying to make my voice as steady as possible.

April looked at me her head slightly tilted in confusion but I could tell she felt awkward.

Luckily the bell rung saving me from having to say any explanation and headed of to art whilst Tess and April went to their Drama class.


I got to Art just about on time and headed to my seat at the back of the class. Blair came into the room and sat down next to me already taking her sketch book out her bag. She gently placed the sketch pad down then looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes. Blair's smile is slightly crooked but that somehow makes her even more adorable.

"H-hey," I stuttered; not even sure why I'm nervous.

"Hi," she said back confidently but also with the tone of caring.

Blair lightly placed her hand in mine underneath the table so no one could see. Even through that small movement I can feel sparks radiating up my arm and by the look on her face I knew she felt it too. Throughout the lesson we whispered to each other and planed about when our next date would be.

Class eventually ended so Blair and I planned to meet after school to hang out and study.


It is now lunch and my friends and I are sitting at our normal table when Blair's friends come over to us. They all had their hair in high tight ponytails but the only one that wasn't with them is Blair. Almost instantly I felt a pit at the bottom of my stomach with a gnawing feeling of dread. The girls all glanced at us in perfect unison then looked us up and down. With a slight disgust expression on their face (which was clearly viable at first look) the one in the middle walked up closer to us.

"Leave Blair alone," She hissed with a overpowering dominance tone in her voice as she practically spat out the words. Once she said what she wanted the girls on cue crossed their arms then strutted away from us.

"What was all that about," April asked curiously directing her stare at me. Tess looked at me with a pointed look obviously guessing what's going on.

The dread didn't leave me as I wondered if Blair's friends knew about Blair and I...


I hope you enjoyed this part sorry it took me ages to upload. I'll try and get the other chapter up soon but I'm not to sure when because I'm writing a different story for Pride month.


My crush on the Cheerleader (gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon