Chapter Twenty three

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The next time I see Gabriel after that is the next Monday. He didn't come to work on Friday, even though his penthouse was right above his office. Since I didn't know he would be a no-show, I brought Lucas with me again that Friday, so he had to stay with me in my cubicle while I worked.

He was surprisingly quiet and kept reading the new book Gabriel got for him. The only times he spoke were to ask me if Gabriel was okay and when he needed to use the restroom.

During lunch, he came along with me to the canteen. We received some weird looks but didn't pay any mind to them. They were probably wondering what a seven-year-old was doing in a company like that.

Right now, I'm happy his suspension is finally over and he can go back to school as he has missed a lot. He isn't happy about it though. This morning, he asked me if he could just be homeschooled instead, but I had to ask him how he would be able to see Ally if he started homeschooling. That had him getting out of bed faster than he usually did.

As I'm exiting my parked car, I catch sight of Gabriel locking his vehicle and I immediately rush toward him after locking mine. I haven't seen him since Thursday; it's been four days. He also didn't text me like he usually would.

Gabriel hears footsteps behind him and he turns around, locking eyes with me. I expect him to wait for me as it is obvious I'm going to him, but he doesn't. Instead, he tries the handle of his car door, making sure it's locked, and starts walking away.

His action confuses me, but I increase my pace and catch up with him in no time. "Gabriel."

He doesn't look at me. "It's Mr. Hernsburg." He corrects me, but unlike other times when he's being playful, there's a sternness to his voice that catches me off guard, making me pause in my steps.

He uses this opportunity to put more space between us and I have to shake myself out of my reverie to meet up with him. "Okay, Mr. Hernsburg." I hear him take a sharp breath. It confuses me. I don't have the time to be confused though. His strides are long and I have to half-run to keep up with him. "You weren't around on Friday?" I ask, placing my handbag on my shoulder just so I have something to do. The air around him seems different today. It's not friendly and it's definitely not inviting. I invite myself in any way.

"I had stuff to take care of."

"What stuff?"

"Stuff that doesn't concern an employee, Miss Jennings."

I blink in surprise as we enter the building together. Since I met Gabriel, he has never called me by my last name. It's either my first name or an endearment which makes this conversation with him even more confusing. "Well, are you okay?"

I wave at the receptionist, Grayson, and wait for an answer from Gabriel, but he doesn't give me one. He presses the button for the first elevator and waits impatiently, checking his watch at intervals.

"Gabriel?" I prompt.

"Mr. Hernsburg!" His tone is harsh and employees around us start whispering. A dark look from Gabriel has them leaving the spot for elevator one and going to the second elevator.

It will cause more rumors. I know it will, but I don't care about that right now. The doors open and a few people exit the elevator, Gabriel and I being the only ones entering. I wait for the doors to close and watch as Gabriel presses the 15th button before I speak. "What's wrong?"

I can't fathom what could have happened. Last week, he was fine with me poking into his business. Hell, he was actively poking in mine, and then, he just disappears for a day and comes back acting like talking to me is a disease.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm fine. Now, if you could go about your day without nosing around in mine, I'd be delighted."

My mouth hangs open. This is not the Gabriel I know. Something is definitely wrong. Is it because of his father? Did he confront him and see reason with him? Is that why he is thinking of treating me like every other employee?

I know I said I didn't like the attention around the special treatment I got from Gabriel, but that didn't mean I didn't like how Gabriel treated me. This Gabriel standing in front of me is doing the opposite of what he would usually do.

Normally, if we were alone in an elevator, he would ask me about Lucas, ask me how my night went, call me sweet endearments, and tease me. I didn't know how much I'd gotten used to those until this morning.

We don't talk for the rest of the elevator ride. It's awkward on my end, but I don't think he is affected by it. He seems relieved when I stop bothering and I can't help but think if it's something I've done or if it's his father.

He was pretty insistent on me staying away from Gabriel. Has he managed to convince him to do the same? I don't know how I will restore our previous relationship if that is the case. But I know I have to do something. At least, I know I have to talk to him and figure out what is going on.

When I get out of the elevator, he released a breath of relief. My jaw clenches, but I don't look behind me as I stride to my cubicle. If it's time he needs, I'll give it to him.

I can't focus on work today. My head is barely in one place. There are too many things to think about at a time that I can't even finish working on my presentation.

It's either I find myself thinking of Lucas and how he's doing at school or I find myself thinking about my parents and how dinner with them will go. My mother came back to town last Saturday and she demanded we have dinner as soon as possible, which happens to be this night.

If not that, I find myself thinking about Patrick Hernsburg and his threat. Does he hate me for his son that much? Am I that bad that he'll resort to getting rid of me or something related to that?

And his son? I wonder what has gotten into him for him to act this way. Is this a like father, like son situation? Does he suddenly think I'm not good enough for him?

These thoughts make my head spin and my coworkers definitely notice I've been in my head throughout the day, even Nessa. She gives me an early day off because she claims there are days like this that are out of our control.

Well, that's what she told me, but I'm sure a rumor about Gabriel and I has reached her ear and she's feeling bad for me.

When she dismisses me, I'm tempted to go up to Gabriel's office and check up on him, but I think better of it. If he wants to talk, he will surely find a way to do so. I should respect his decision and leave him alone for a while.

That's what I tell myself. But somehow, I find myself on his floor, knocking on the door. There is no response. I keep knocking though. Gabriel may be stubborn, but he'll get irritated by the incessant knocking at one point. At least, that's what I think. Not until his secretary tells me that he didn't come in today. Then, I figure out that he must have been in his penthouse all day. This means he really wants to be left alone.

Besides, I have something else to worry about for the time being. Dinner with my parents whom I haven't been in contact with for eight years. I wonder how that'll go.

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