Pushing Buttons

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07/28/09 – late morning. And I’m hungry.

Roz sat in the pen with her desk littered with the intel recently dug up by one of the agents working closely with the presidential aides in Washington. It wasn’t providing us with any major opening, but the plan for the upcoming election campaign was in there, along with some private functions that the president would be attending over the next several months.

“Is it lunchtime yet?” I asked, spinning on my chair after my stomach had growled loud enough for Roz to arch her eyebrow and glare across at me.

“Go and grab a sandwich if you’re that hungry.” She mumbled, shifting back through the papers as she mental collated the information.

“If I leave you in here with this paperwork you’ll shoot the next person to come through the door.” I stated, referring to the agitated state she was in lately since she hadn’t been able to make any serious moves on the corrupt team.

“Then hopefully it’ll be you.”  She retorted and I rolled my eyes.

At that moment, before I could reply at all, the door opened and another agent walked in with more files that he hesitantly handed to Roz. “This is the information that came from the Anfield Ranch.”

“Anfield Ranch? Isn’t there the home of the previous president?” I asked as Roz began to peek into the first of the new files.

“Mmhm. How do you think I got my men in on the team this time?” Her dark hair fell over her shoulder as a small smirk danced on her lips.

“They were already in.” I said, not believing that I hadn’t even thought of that before now.

“Remember the guy who ‘restrained’ me after the Harman mansion situation? He’s working with your girlfriend right now. Apparently, he’s got a date with her at the Café Noveau.” She handed me the copy of the day planner entry that said just that.

“Son of a bitch. I don’t know who I should be angrier at. My girlfriend or the colleague she’s cheating on me with.” In reality, it was neither. I had distanced myself from thoughts of Bethany for a while now and with everything that had happened between myself and Roz it seemed counter-productive to wonder about a woman who would most likely be dead before this showdown was over.

“I know which one I’d sooner put a bullet in.” Roz offered, reaching for the second manila folder.

“I’m sure you’ve been saying that for a long time.”

“Meaning?” She threw me a warning look and I regretted my tongue for moving before my mind could process what it was saying.

“Meaning you knew she was targeting Joe. You could’ve put a bullet in her back then, but someone else would’ve only filled her place eventually.” My words had a slight double meaning that Roz definitely picked up on.

“I’d still want to put a bullet in them, too.”

I had to bite back my smirk as she acted so nonchalant about everything. We were the only two down here, but any passing ears wouldn’t think twice about what we were talking about. Still, Roz was as professional as ever and quickly moved the conversation along as though the last few sentences hadn’t even been exchanged.

“We’ll have to head out there.”


“No. Anfield Ranch. I think we might be getting close to having everything we need for our next attack.” The excitement was there in her hazel eyes and I felt the worry rising from the pit of my stomach.

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