The Unexpected

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 6/30/09 - night time.

I had showered and changed after the doctors had forced me out of the infirmary to do so. I wanted to stay with Roz until she woke up, but they were convinced that the last thing she needed to see upon awakening would be me, bloodstained and dishevelled. Washed, and dressed in jeans and an old college hoodie, I returned to her bedside, amused to see her gown a startling shade of white. I’d never seen Roz in white before, but it looked good on her, all things considering. Her make up and bloodstains had been removed by someone in my absence and she looked peaceful, aside from the machinery beeping around her, monitoring her stats.

It was late and the constant whispering downstairs had ceased once everyone retired to their beds. I wasn’t leaving Roz though and once the place was quiet enough for me to get away with doing so, I took her soft hand in mine, my thumb brushing tenderly across her skin as I just watched her breathe and rest.

“Y’know, for a girl who apparently doesn’t have any emotions, you certainly let them get the best of you today. They almost got you killed, which I suppose kind of proves the point you’ve been trying to drill into me for years.” I smiled softly down at her sleeping form and then licked my lips before continuing. “I thought I was going to lose you for a second. I thought I saw the lights go out and Roz Harman actually give up fighting for once. Never do it again.” I brushed her hair from her face and smiled once more. “I’m going to look after you this time. You don’t have the faintest clue where to start with your emotions and it’s the one thing that I know better than you do. I’m not going to let this happen again, Rozzie. I’m not going to come this close to losing you again.”

There was a soft groan, a louder than average beep from the machines and I awoke with a jolt, my tired eyes drifting to look at the girl before me, her dark eyes meeting mine.

“Hey.” She croaked, coughing harshly as she tried to speak.

“Hey to you too. Shall I get a doctor?” I poured her a small amount of water and offered it to her, holding it gently as she tipped it back, coughing a little as it went down.

“No. I’m good.” She said. Her voice was still thick from the drugs and her eyes were only half open as she leaned back on the pillow, wincing slightly.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Just tell me what the damage was.” She pulled her hand away from mine the second she realised that I was holding onto it.

“It was dangerously close to your heart. There was a lot of blood lost, some internal damage but they fixed you up pretty damn good.”

“Good to know, but I meant the damage with you.” Her eyes met mine with a knowing look and an arched eyebrow.

“What do you mean?”

“You pulled that trigger Russ, don’t pretend like you didn’t. You had to watch me bleed out and you had to keep it together. If that didn’t mess with your head then you’re not human.”

“It wouldn’t have messed with yours.” I admitted dully.

“I don’t count. I was designed.” She said, stretching her legs, her toes peeking out from the bottom of the sheets.

“You died, Rozzie.” I whispered quietly, hating the fact that she had brought me back to such a weak state when I had hours earlier promised to take care of her.

“Again? Makes it three times now.” She said calmly, almost as if it was nothing.

“How can you say that without flinching? You could be dead right now and then what would’ve happened? Roz, you act as if your life is no big deal, when it really is.”

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