Cold waters

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Alejandro's POV

A few minutes later when Mischa left to their room, Nikolay came out and came to us "I'm sorry for how I responded to you Soap but for the record i'm only apologizing because Mischa made me, seems that she doesn't think you guys are so bad" Soap nodded and with that Nikolay left outside.

Once everyone was ready Mischa joined us and we started walking to the lake, "how far is the lake?" questioned Rudy "not far" replied Mischa, "has it always just been you two? because there are a lot of rooms and it makes me wonder if there was anyone else" said Soap, we turned to look at him and he shrugged "мы должны сказать им?" said Nikolay, here they go again with the Russian, Mischa sighed "once we get to the lake we will talk" she replied the rest of the walk was silent.

Once we arrived at the lake we walked to a part of the lake where there was a rock "Mischa you traitor, you came without me" said Nikolay causing her to laugh "hurry up and make a hole big enough for all of us to get in" she replied as she started to take off her pants "woah there" said Soap as he turned to us, we looked at each other "everyone clothes off" she said "que? porque?" I asked "english Alejandro" she replied "why no clothes?" I asked again "because it will get you used to it faster" she replied and we did as we were told.

Once Nikolay made a big hole he also took off his clothes, everyone was in underwear's except Mischa she had left her long sleeve shirt on "why don't you take your shirt off?" questioned Soap, she stayed silent for a moment "well if we are gonna be a team we shouldn't keep secrets from each other right" she said "Mischa no, you don't have-" before Nikolay could finish she cut him off "a team has no secrets between each other" she said as she took off her long sleeve shirt revealing scars, that seemed to be from burns, I turned to look at Soap who looked like he regretting pushing her to take it off "when I came earlier there was no current in the water, now there is so be careful" she said as she got in the water and Nikolay did too.

The team was hesitant to get in since the weather was freezing and the water would for sure be much worse but we ended up getting in eventually "holy shit I can't feel my balls" said Soap, Nikolay shared a look with Mischa as they laughed "it's not even cold" replied Nikolay "for you guys but shit ya me quiero salir" said Rudy and I couldn't agree more "so are you gonna tell us if there were more or has it just been you two?" asked Ghost she sighed "there were 4 of us Nikolay, Alina, Viktor and me, but power and ambition got the best of Viktor and on one of our missions he killed Alina and left, we haven't seen him since then" she said as she looked at the water she then put her whole body underwater as she grabbed on the ice so the current wouldn't take her I tried to grab her hand as to take her out but Nikolay stopped me "give her time, she loved Viktor and maybe she still does but Alina was her sister, that day you should have heard her screaming for Alina, she cried for days not only for her but for him, for his betrayal" he said we stayed silent.

After a few minutes she brought her head out the water "better?" asked Nikolay "yea" she replied "okay now you guys have to go underneath completely" she said as she turned to look at us "are you bloody crazy mate?" asked Soap "no, if there ever comes a day that you guys are by waters and enemies are following you, this will be your best friend" she said as she pointed to the water "y la corriente?" I asked "Alejandro english please for like the 100th time" she said as she looked at me "and the current of the water? what if it drags us?" I asked "that's why you grab on to the edge, and if there is a situation where there is no edge good luck" she said with that we all submerged ourselves, fucken cold waters freezing my ass, with a sudden movement my hand slipped and the current started pulling me, I tried to grab on to the edge but the current was fast "Alejandro!!" I heard Rudy scream as Mischa let go and started swimming to me, she grabbed my hand and I grabbed her waist as I was struggling to even stay with my eyes open, the cold water was making my eyes hurt she struggled to get to the edge but eventually we got there and she pulled me out, I gasped for air and so did she "Alejandro estás bien hermano?!!" asked Rudy "si estoy bien hermano" I replied as I turned to look at Mischa, she dragged herself out of the water and into the ice, she was struggling to breathe and started crying "hey Mischa are you okay?" I asked as I got out and rushed to her but Nikolay got to her first "get away she needs space" he said as he rushed to her "я здесь все в порядке" he said as he helped her get up and grabbed their clothes "once you boys are done head to the base, we will go first" said Nikolay as he carried her on his back and started heading for the base.

We got out immediately and put on our clothes and headed for the base, we immediately headed for the showers, once out we sat in the living room "so that was something" said Soap breaking the silence "yea it was" replied Ghost "do you think she was scared of dying?" asked Gaz "no, she's a assassin, a murder I'm pretty sure she has thought about dying before" said Ghost "she's not a murder" I added "he's right, I am a murder, but until 5 years ago I was just an ordinary school girl, until my sister convinced me to join the forces since I was skilled in combat and I became an assassin" she said as she sat down and Nikolay joined her "then she was murdered and thrown into a lake and I couldn't get her body out so she didn't have a funeral" she said as she frowned, so that's why she cried when she pulled me out, she couldn't save her sisters body but she saved me, "do you remember what we promised?" she questioned as she turned to look at Nikolay "we're not going to lose anyone close to us again" she said "we swore that we would always be there for each other" added Nikolay "you guys are now our team, no matter what happens we promise that we will protect you guys" she added as she turned to look at us " thank you for helping me, we will also have your back" I said as she turned to look at me, she nodded.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Where stories live. Discover now