Ch. 2

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No no noooo! The thunder boomed and the lightning crashed! Ahhh. I hate thunderstorms. Especially when I didn't have Dad to protect me. I'm scared. We're on the top floor. What if the lightning hits the dorm room?!

"Ben? You alright dude?" Tim asked as he sat up in his tiny bed.

Oh no! I woke up tiny Tim! Oh snap, I have to stop calling him tiny TIm... I guess he doesn't like that, but I couldn't help it. He's just so little and cute.I tried to think happy thoughts and focus on how cute Tim was but then the thunder happened again and I felt myself jump out of bed to head over to Tim's bed. Tim seemed surprised I was at this bed so fast, but I couldn't help it. I was scared.

"You don't like thunder storms?" Tim asked.

"N-n-no. Um. Sorry, I woke you up. I'm just a big scaredy cat sometimes," I admitted as I leaned closer to Tim.


Oh no! I broke his little bed! No, no, no! Dad had taught me to be gentle, but I sometimes forget how fragile everything is. I'm a big big boy, so I'm sometimes too heavy for... well, everything.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to break your bed! Are you alright?!"

"Whoa. Dude. You barely even touched it and it broke. That was awesome!"

"Hehe, you really think so?"

"Yeah. And well... I guess I just have to lay the mattress on the floor then,"

"What?! No! Don't go on the floor! It's my fault. You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the floor," I suggested.

"Well I'll still be on a mattress, it'll just be on the floor,"

"Yeah but since it's my fault I can sleep on the mattress on the floor and you can sleep in my bed,"

"You're waaay too big for my mattress dude,"

"Okay, fine. Can we share my bed then?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat at the question. I mean I know I'm big and take up a lot of room in the bed, but Tim was so tiny that I'm sure there'd be plenty of room for him in there.

Tim looked up at me with wide eyes after my suggestion. Oh no! Had I made him uncomfortable. Ahhhh. The lighting is back! Oh god I'm a mess!

"Umm, Okay. Yeah, I'll um, share, but I'll need some help getting up that high," Tim replied.

Oh boy!!! Yes! I carefully grabbed my little buddy and brought him into my bed where I held him in my arms. Wow, Tim felt so good in my arms. His little head resting on my big bicep. Yeah, I need to just focus on that, instead of the storm. Yeah, everything is okay with Tim here.


Ho-Ly-Shit. One second I was asleep and then next I'm literally trapped in Ben's embrace. Ben held onto me like I was a stuffed teddy bear a child snuggles with at night. At one point I was almost worried his hold would grow too tight, when lightning crashed and Ben held me closer. Luckily Ben didn't hurt me at all that night. He just held me to him where I peacefully fell asleep once again praying for more nights like this, in this big giant's arms.


I woke up still held close in Ben's arms. Everything felt perfect except for the fact that my arms were pinned in position so I couldn't reach my most definitely hard cock that needed my attention.


Goddamn. That was Ben's stomach. Sounds like the big guy needs food... a lot of food. Shit. I still couldn't get over how much he ate in the dining hall last night. And the convo he had at dinner about his growing. That's crazy. He was already fricken HUGE.

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