Ch. 8

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"CJ! You, and everyone in the Alpha Gamma Phi house need to leave NOW!"

"Whoa, calm down tiny Tim. What's up?"

"Ben! Ben saw your pic you sent me. H-he saw your message."


"Yeah. H-he saw and he just stormed out. You guys need to leave that house now. Hide and don't let Ben see you. He's not thinking straight right now, and I'm scared he might... well... I don't know... Whatever he's doing, it's not going to be good,"

"SHIT. Okay- I'll get everyone out," CJ replied before hanging up.

Hopefully Ben would calm down from walking, and this would all be one big false alarm... Oyy who was I kidding? Ben left thinking I'd almost been raped by CJ... and while that had kind of been a possibility, as he did snatch me up and take me to his room... but I deffs didn't have to kiss him back... and I didin't have to straddle him while I—- SHIT. This was all my fault.


How dare that little frat boy make advances on my boyfriend. And CJ used his pathetic size to do so. He thinks it's cool to just pick my little buddy up and make him do what he wants... well I bet he wouldn't like it if someone bigger just picked him up and made him do what he wants.

I finally reached campus and rolled my eyes at all the humans and giants who scrambled around like little bugs at my feet. They'd better stay out of my way, because I didn't have time to watch my step right now. I needed to get to that Alpha Gamma Phi house and find CJ. Yeah. I would make him think before trying to steal my little buddy! GRRR!!! I finally reached the house and started calling his name, hoping to make him nervous.

"CJ! OHH CJ? WHERE ARE YOU AT PUNY DUDE? BUSY SENDING DICK PICS TO MY BOYFRIEND?" I yelled as I towered over the stupid frat house. "CJ YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO COME OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW!" I added. I'd learned a thing or two being around the little army dudes. They love giving you 10 second warnings. I counted down from 10, and still nothing. AHHH. That's it! I reached down and lifted the dumb little frat house up off its foundation. I used two hands to lift it up, and it felt like I was lifting a little doll house.

The bottom of the house was kind of crumbly in my hands, like it wasn't meant to be lifted off the ground. Oh well. Too late. I peeked through the windows and couldn't see anyone inside. Not a single frat guy.... And definitely no CJ.GRRR!!! I'm pretty sure I started roaring. I was even more mad than I'd first been. I threw the stupid house back down on the ground and then stomped on it over and over again until the house was nothing but wood chips below me. And that still wasn't enough. I dropped to my knees and started pounding my fist into the ground. I was so strong I even split the road into pieces. No one messes with MY BOYFRIEND!!! If CJ wasn't at this frat house, I guess I'd just have to find him. He had to be somewhere around here.

I walked down the street, basically stomping so that my steps could be heard and felt by little stupid meany CJ. I arrived at a different frat house down the street and I once again demanded that CJ come out. Then I warned everyone to come out or I'd crush them along with the house. As I counted down from 10 I saw all the little annoying dudes scramble out of the house and start running down the street in the opposite direction. Yeah. They better run.

I once again bent down and lifted this frat house where I raised it up 100 feet off the ground. In the upstairs I actually saw a little frat dude in one of the bedrooms. CJ??!! GRRRR. Could it be CJ?!


I let out a massive burp as I held the house in front of my face. My burp broke all the glass in the windows and I was able to give the house some shakes as the little frat boy went tumbling out of the upstairs window. Luck must have been on this little dude's side for instead of plummeting 100 feet onto the road, he fell on top of my massive gut that hung out far enough to catch his falling figure. I looked down at the screaming frat boy on my belly, and I threw the stupid house to the ground so I could focus my attention on him. I grabbed the boy in my fist and brought him close so I could get a better look at him. It was at this moment that I realized I didn't actually know how CJ even looked. Outside of his stupid little, big, dumb, dick. AHHH.

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