Ch. 10

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So, the only good part of Ben passing out, had been that he was at least on the ground, so I had a semblance of a chance reaching the regular people sized door to get help. Once I finally made it outside I ran through the crowd of soldiers and cops to reach General Dean. He clearly recognized me, and gave the massive towering soldiers a stern look that caused them all to let me through. Once I reached General Dean, I looked up at him, clocking how huge he was. He towered over most of these other giant soldiers, meaning he must have been around 12 feet tall. When I reached him, I felt like a toddler as he squatted down to reach my level.

"Everything alright Tim?" General Dean asked... and I was kind of surprised he even took the time to address me by name.

"It's Ben! H-he passed out! He needs food! I think he had low blood sugar or something, but who really knows? He ate some... different stuff last night, so now I'm just kind of worried," I said, starting to cry. My shoulder shook, as I started to melt down. I hadn't realized it until I said it, but what if this was an after-effect from Ben literally digesting trucks and cars last night?! Ugghh, and why didn't Ben just eat me! Why wouldn't he listen to me! I was so caught up in my spiraling thoughts that I hardly noticed General Dean had pulled me close to his chest until his booming voice sent vibrations through my body as he started barking orders. Suddenly General Dean had scooped me up and held me in one arm as he walked me back towards Ben's apartment.

"Shhh. You're alright Tim. Ben will be just fine, His food should be here any minute, and he'll be fine. For now, you and I are going to have a little chat. How does that sound?"

I wanted to respond that I didn't have time to talk, and that I needed to go be with Ben, but I don't think General Dean was really asking. When we arrived at the human entrance to Ben's apartment, General Dean kicked aside a camo covered welcome mat to reveal a trap door. The trap door led to a long hallway that was literally underneath Ben's apartment. At the end of the hallway full of offices there was an office that read General Dean right at the end. Once inside, he set me down. I struggled to climb up on the giant sized chair, so General Dean ended up helping me up. Then he took a seat behind the desk, where he sat for a couple of minutes looking like he was in deep thought.

"Timothy Clark... How do you feel about a career in the military?"


"You heard me son. There's an extremely important position that's opened up, and your country needs you,"

"Me?! Wait, what position? I don't-"

"Upstairs, right above our heads we have a beast. We have a being so big and so powerful, that there might be nothing on this earth powerful enough to take him down... We'd worried he'd be able to metabolize just about anything, and after last night we had our confirmation,"

"Yeah but,"

"No buts son. You need to take this seriously. Your boyfriend is not only a threat to homeland security, but he's potentially an international threat,"

"But what would you want ME to do about it?"

"We need you to prevent things like last night from happening. We need you to keep Ben mild mannered and agreeable. We need you to control the beast!"

"What! I-I can't!"

"Yes, you can. You've been controlling him for weeks. Before we let him start seeing you again he was running around the military base out of control. He'd all but lost the part of him that made him human, and the only person he'd even somewhat listen to was sometimes me, and his dad,"

"Maybe Ben's dad should have this position then, cuz I don't really think-"

"Ben's father is almost 60. He's at the stage in life where he's preparing for retirement, not preparing to run after his 150 ft tall son,"

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