Part One

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I saw you standing there
Sandy blonde hair, the way it came tumbling down
Just like a waterfall



It was said that upon his birth the prince had not cried or screamed or even wailed at entering the world. The babe did not even make a noise when the Maester spanked him trying to elicit a response. And while his mother bled out upon the birthing bed, Prince Aerys merely stared up at the midwife holding him with no emotion gaining him the moniker, the Silent Prince.

Tragedy followed the Silent Prince's earliest years, when his father, Prince Baelon quickly  grew sick following his wife's death. The Prince passed not long after his youngest son's second name day. Though the young child seemed to not care for his missing father and mother, he focused more on following in his elder brothers' footsteps.

The youngest prince was said to be cursed by some. That death and despair followed in  the young boy's wake. He would bring ruin to Westeros, they cried.

Those who worked in the castle and met the boy said otherwise. The servants and septons alike all spoke of how kind and soft spoken the young boy was. Always asking for things rather than ordering or demanding like his elder brothers.

Eleven years younger than his eldest brother, Prince Viserys took quite an interest in his youngest brother. So much so that once he was wed, Prince Aerys was taken in as a ward and raised alongside Viserys' own daughter Rhaenyra. The young Prince and his niece grew very close as children, spending most days under a tree in the royal gardens. And where Princess Rhaenyra went Alicent Hightower followed closely behind.





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