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Preparations for the Crowning quickly began following the announcement of King Viserys' death. A stage had been built in the Dragon Pit so that the small people could also attend. The Nobl;e houses that were able to make the journey on such a short notice stood watching from the balconies above. The Bell tolled as thousands flooded into the Dragon Pit, commoners and nobles alike rushed in hoping to find a good spot to watch their new King be crowned.

"People of King's Landing," Daemon shouted, Aerys had invented his elder brother back to the Red Keep, offering him the position as Hand of the King. The elder brother had gladly accepted, happy to help protect his younger brother since he could not do that for Viserys. "Today is the saddest of days. Our beloved King, Viserys the Peaceful has passed."

The crowd murmured at the Hand of the King's words.

"But it is also the most joyous of days," Daemon continued. "For as he wished, his youngest brother, Prince Aerys shall succeed hi,

Applause filled the giant room at Daemon's words. Guards parted the crowd making a walkway of sorts from the entrance to the stage. Horns sounded as the guards raised their swords and Aerys entered the Dragon Pit.

The man closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I miss you, Viserys." With that Aerys squared his shoulders and began walking. The knights quickly lowered their swords as Aerys passed.

"It is your great and good fortune and privilege to witness a new day for our city, a new day for our realm. A new King to lead us."

Rhaenyra greeted her husband with a quick kiss as soon as he had stepped on the stage. "Are you ready?." The soon-to-be-Queen whispered.

"Yes." Aerys whispered back, dropping to his knee before the High Septon.

"May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." With every sentence the Septon smeared oil on Aerys' forehead.

A crown was placed into Daemon's hands, upon looking at it he realized it was Viserys' crown. Stepping forward the Hand placed it upon his brother's head of white hair. Once Daemon had been jealous of Aerys, knowing he would be King one day. But now that it was happening Daemon felt nothing but pride for his younger brother.

"Let the Seven bear witness: Aerys Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Daemon spoke, allowing his voice to carry throughout the room. With that Aerys stood up and turned to face his subjects.

"All hail His Grace, Aerys, first of his name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." The High Septon announced.

The crowd erupted into cheers as King Aerys was announced. Aerys smiled, though it did not reach his eyes. He had known this day was coming, but now that it was here Aerys would give anything to have his brother back. Well, maybe not anything. Aerys glanced at where Alicent, dressed in red and black, stood with her children on the other side of the stage. In three months they would be wed, long enough for the morning period and then smoke time to pass.


The members of the small council who had conspired against Aerys were swiftly put to death along with anyone else found to have supported their cause. The small people and Nobles of the realm had been surprised at Prince Aerys first order as King, many whispering that maybe he was another Maegor.

Public opinion quickly shifted, when Aerys began to crack down on crime and homelessness in the city. Buildings were quickly constructed where people down on their luck could find shelter and a warm meal. A system in which even the most poor would be able to afford food was quickly created.

Soon Aerys was beloved by his subjects so much that none batted an eye when he took Alicent as a second wife. Many chalked it up to the fact that Targaryens had queer customs and as long as it wasn't six like Maegor, no one could complain.

Alicent and Aerys were wed in a beautiful ceremony in spring. Minstrels sang songs of their long awaiting love stories, poems were written about the star crossed lovers. Although some had thought Rhaenyra would be unhappy, it was surprisingly not true. The two women's friendship was rekindled quickly, as if the past twenty years had not happened.

King Aerys' reign was prosperous and peaceful, The Triarchy was quickly smashed and the Stepstones became the newest addition to Westeros, fortifications were built and Prince Aemond was named Lord of the Stepstones. There he cracked down on piracy and slavery, putting an end to the act.

Daemon remained his brother's Hand, faithfully serving and offering safe advice. Ser Harrold was reinstated as Lord Commander of the King's Guard, until his death in which Ser Erryk Cargall succeeded him. Lord Corlys was reinvited to join the Small Council as Master of Ships, which he happily accepted now that his granddaughter, Rhaena, was betrothed to Luke. Daemon's former Paramour, Lady Mysaria was asked to become the Master of Whispers, she happily agreed seeing all the changes Aerys was making to King's Landing to better it.

Aegon lived happily in the Red Keep, with no duties to attend to he happily spent his time drinking and sleeping. Helaena, much like her brother had no duties appointed to her, however she spent her time caring for her children and walking the gardens with Jace. Noticing this, Aerys asked Helaena if she would like her marriage to her brother to be ended, he promised she and her children would maintain their status if she agreed. A month after her marriage had been abolished, Jace went to his father and begged to marry his aunt. Seeing how close the two were when in each other's presence, Aerys agreed. After they were wed Jace adopted Helaena's children becoming their father, Aegon hadn't cared when asked.

King Aerys was renowned for having avoided a war between dragons and once again uniting House Targaryen. And when his time came, Aerys died happily, surrounded by those he loved. 

AN: Its Over!!!


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