Chapter One

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They don't tell you how nothing ever seems to happen in a small council meeting. The only thing that seems to be of any interest is watching as Lord Beesbury drinks too much wine and falls asleep. Though on the rare occasion that Prince Daemon finds himself bored enough to attend a meeting, Aerys is offered some entertainment. Prince Aerys felt himself withering from the boredom that filled him, the current unimportant conversation threatened to crush the Prince. Aerys would much rather be practicing sword fighting or soaring over King's Landing on Tirvi's back or finding the young Hightower girl and convincing her to accompany him through the gardens. Instead Aerys listened as his eldest brother droned on about something of no interest.

"My lords." Lord Corlys Velaryon spoke up from the end of the table. "The growing alliance among the Free Cities has taken to styling itself the Triarchy."

Prince Aerys sat up as Lord Velaryon stood up and unfurled a map. "They have massed on Bloodstone and are presently ridding the stepstones of its pirate infestation."

"Well, that sounds suspiciously like good news, Lord Corlys." Viserys interrupted.

"A man called Craghas Drahar has styled himself the prince-admiral of this Triarchy. They call him the Crabfeeder."

"And are we meant to weep for pirates?"

"No, Your Grace."

"Rhaenyra, you're late." Viserys scolded his daughter as she rounded the tale to greet him. "King's cupbearer must not be late. Leaves people wanting for cups."

Rhaenyra now stood between the head of the table, where her father sat, and where Prince Aerys sat to the left of the King. "I was visiting mother." Rhaenyra offered placing a kiss to her fathers cheek.

"On dragonback?" Prince Aerys asked, catching a whiff of the sulfur that rolled off the princess. Rhaenyra merely shot a glare at her uncle before walking off to get the pitcher of wine.

"Hey, Your Grace, at Prince Daemon's urging, the crown has invested significant capital in the retraining and re-equipping of his City Watch. I thought you might urge your brother to fill his seat on the council," Prince Aerys stifled a smile at Lord Lysman Beesbury's words. No one could make Daemon do anything he did not wish to do. "And provide an assessment of his progress as commander of the Watch."

"Do you think Daemon is distracted by his present tasks? And that his thoughts and energies are occupied?"

"Well, one would hope so, considering the associated costs."

"Then let us all consider your gold well-invested, Lord Beesbury."

"I would urge that you not allow this Triarchy much latitude in the Stepstones, Your Grace. If those shipping lanes should fall, it will beggar our ports."

"The crown has heard your report, Lord Corlys, and takes it under advisement." Ser Otto Hightower, the King's Hand, dismissed Lord Corlys' argument.

"Let's not be so hasty, Ser Hightower. Lord Corlys is right to be concerned over the matter. If the people of the Stepstones believe this Crab Feeder to be their savior then what's to stop them from attacking any of our ports at some point. I think we should squash this Crab before he grows any more powerful."

Viserys merely hummed in acknowledgement, taking his youngest brother's opinion into consideration.

"Shall we discuss the heir's tournament, Your Grace?" Ser Otto said, changing the subject in a hope to distract the King.

"I would be delighted."

At this Aerys once again began to tune out the conversation, instead his head filled with images of pretty auburn hair and deep brown eyes.


Once the small council had been dismissed, Aerys began his search for the Lady Alicent. Finding her sitting beneath the Godswood with a book in her lap, no doubt awaiting the Princess' arrival. Aerys took a moment to admire the beauty that was in front of him, the sunlight peeking through the leaves of the Godswood made her hair shine redder than ever. Clearing his throat, brown eyes snapped to him.

"Prince Aerys," Alicent greeted, standing up quickly.

"Lady Alicent, I see you are enjoying a day of sunlight." Aerys spoke stepping closer until he met Alicent under the Godswood.

"Yes, my Prince. It seemed a shame to waste the day indoors." Alicent spoke looking around. "How were your travels, My Prince? You went to Pentos, correct?"

"It went well, quite boring but I suppose that is a good thing." Aerys stepped closer, so the two were almost chest to chest. "I brought you something."

A look of surprise flashed in Alicent's eyes and a small smile spread across her face. If the Seven allowed him to marry her, Aerys thought, he promised to give her all sorts of treasures so that he would be able to see this smile all the time.

"What is it?" Allicent asked.

"Turn around."

Alicent did as her prince ordered, a giddiness filling her at the thought of Aerys thinking of her while he was away. Alicent could feel the heat and strength radiating from the older man standing behind her. Rough, callused hands came into her view as cold metal fell around her neck.

A silver chain clasped behind her, an emerald green dragon rested between her collar bones.

Turning around, Alicent brought a hand up to the pendant. "It's beautiful. The color looks just like Tirvi." Alicent spoke referencing Aerys' dragon.

"I saw it and knew I had to give it to you." Aerys smiled down at the girl. "I hope I have not overstepped."

"No, never."Alicent rushed out. "I hope I do not misjudge your intentions with this gift."

"My intentions are whatever you desire them to be, my Lady." Aerys promised, grasping Alicent's hand in his own. "Tell me what your heart wishes for and it shall be yours."

"I-" Alicent was interrupted by a call of her name. The two jumped apart as Rhaenyra rounded the corner and joined them in the gardens.

"Kepas, what are you doing here?" Rhaenyra asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

"I was merely keeping Lady Alicent company, since you left her waiting for so long." Aerys spoke, turning back to Alicent. "Thank you for allowing me to keep you company, Lady Alicent. But I fear I have duties I must attend to."

"Thank you my Prince."

With that Aerys passed his niece, patting the young teen on the shoulder. 

AN: These two are gonna be so adorable, trust me.


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