Chapter Fourteen

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Upon putting their sons to bed, Rhaenyra decided she wished to walk along the beach

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Upon putting their sons to bed, Rhaenyra decided she wished to walk along the beach. Aerys, ever eager to please his wife, accompanied her. Sand shifted beneath Aerys' feet as he walked alongside Rhaenyra. The sound of waves crashing against the shore and birds cawing overhead filled the air around them.

"Do you love her?" Rhaenyra asked, breaking the silence.

Her abrupt question caused Aerys to stop in his tracks. "What?"

"Alicent?" Rhaenyra turned to her husband. "Do you still love her?"

"Why are you asking this, Rhaenyra. You are-"

"Just answer the question."

Aerys paused, turning to look out at the sea. "I did at a time."

"And do you still?"

"Yes, part of me shall always love her." Aerys turned back to his wife, Grabbing her hands and pulling her into him. "But you must believe me, I love you now. I am devoted to you. I would lay down my sword, lay down my life if you asked it of me."

"And when you are king? Will you abandon me for her?"

"No. Never."

Rhaenyra cried, years of self doubt leaving her being. Aerys held his wife close to his chest, pressing kisses to her shoulder and whispering sweet words into her ear. Rhaenyra lifted her head, staring up into Aerys' deep brown eyes, the only part of him to show his true heritage.

Their lips met in a sweet kiss, salt from Rhaenyra's tears staining the kiss.

"I want you." Aerys whispered.

Fire burned within them as their lips met again, this time more passionate. Aerys hands trailed up Rhaenyra's back and began undoing the laces holding her dress closed. Strong hands pulled her dress down off of her shoulder so Aerys could place kisses there, nipping at the skin.

Rhaenyra's own hands undid the buttons of Aerys' jacket and lifted up his undershirt. Delicate fingers trailed over his strong abs and chest as the couple fell to the sand.


The flame from the fireplace was the only light cast around Hightide's Great hall as Rhaenyra and Aerys entered room, calling for their sons. They pushed through the crowd until they found their two eldest sons. Rhaenyra fell to her knees before her sons, examining their wounds.

"Who did this?" Aerys roared  upon seeing his sons' blood stained faces.

"They attacked me!" Aemond yelled, turning in his seat. All at once the children began yelling over each other.

"Enough. Enough. Silence!" Viserys yelled.

"He called us bastards." Jace whispered, further igniting the rage within Aerys.

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