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Year: H-522

Location: Far East, Scattered Remains of the Lands of the Covenant

Lay-Vee tribe

Renāna was proficient in the Language of Hands. Light Harmonies made the brightest symbols, lingering much longer in the air than other Sources. It made studying their people's language and what little of history was left much easier for their children to understand.

Words give rise to the strongest Harmonian Wields. Most Words have been taken. Sight could lead us beyond our shielded city to discover the TimeWalk Pull-the only place that could grant us access to the past- but our remaining elders are blind, and the young do not know the way. Moreover, what could be done if their Harmonies were not Light and Expanse?

You are Light and- Kaiell's face narrowed, lips pursed upward, brisking the tip of his nose, eyebrows pulled down. The Language of Hands took years to master. Fluid sentences, longer still. Nothing regarding Harmonies was easy. Renāna watched the boy persistently attempt to create the correct symbol-a flicker of fluorescent ivory took shape, resulting in the symbol for all Harmonian Light. Expanse, on the other hand, resulted in not even the smallest of sparks flourishing from the young boy's hand.

Renāna's love for children was evident even in her steps toward him. Quick, yet gentle and patient. Her lips curved upward; eyes full of admiration at Kaiell's insistence. Much like your quick spirit, Kaiell, your inward wave is too flourishing. Her palm facing outward-pointer finger and thumb tucked in- she slowly glided her hand inward, that out again, her elbow remaining locked in place. Expanse, our source and vastness of space and land.

Kaiell sat up a little straighter, mimicking his instructors' motions, face tight and eyes fixed on his own hand. Though the symbols had been faint and fleeting, they were eligible. Expanse

Kaiell's gaze quickly met Renāna, the depth of her grin touching each of her features, producing a joyful wiggle from Kaiell.

A flash of sterling that only a Wind Harmony could have produced suddenly encircled the joint desks, carrying with it the warning of its sender. Takers.

The children shuttered, glancing between each other, their bodies shifting and breath quickening. Though they had been too young to be exposed to the beasts--Harmonians strong desire to maintain the innocence of youth, relaying strict rules to keep all minors away from their borders.

Breathe. The gold symbol flashed before each of their faces. Renāna gestured to her eyes, looking at each of them with a stern expression. Despite the linger of fear in their eyes, she'd caught their attention, the steeliness of her gesture replaced with the customary warmth of her gentle yet infectious smile. Renāna was a perfect balance of rigidity and patience. One could see the simple joy in her eyes whenever she looked upon a child.

The first Harmony produced through our very breath? She inquired.vAt once, the children inhaled, the Great Creators true name partially spoken 'AH' The syllables formed fortified life, creating a shield for any Harmonian who called upon that name of life, SHEEMATAH.

Eyes closed with deep intentional breaths, the children's shields were activated, revealing their source harmonies by the sudden glittering hues hovering over their entire flesh like an extra layer of skin. Some silver, blue, or green.

Renāna nodded approvingly. Go straight Home!

Upon her command, the children rushed from their instructional area heading north, where the path would lead them further into the safety of the trees.

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