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Harmonians can and should wield outside their own Harmonies, but it will prove to be difficult. Renāna inscribed. She had their attention. Even the smallest among her students hardly budged when she led such a difficult class. A combination of the ingrained admiration the tribe had instilled in them as well Renāna's capacity to make each of them feel heard and valued. But I desire for you all to practice this. There is little of history left but what we do know is that during The Last Great Battle, many soldiers did not have the capacity to wield all the Sources. Wielding one's own Harmony is certainly the quickest defensive and offensive maneuver but not the strongest. The more Sources one involves the stronger and more elaborate the wields can become.

Several of Renāna's eldest were already practicing in unison, melding their Harmonies to create an arduous wield; An Air Harmony endeavoring to match the flourishing symbols of her Land Harmony partner. Observing them carefully Renāna stepped forward for guidance. Along the way, she graciously acknowledged two of her strongest students- one of Steel and the other Sea- squeezing their shoulders with a pleased lift of her lips and a sparkle of approval in her eyes. She then, returned her focus to the Land and Sea partners. Remember, tap your feet together. The constant rhythm will be a reminder of your overall speed. Though their speed had remained aligned, the Land Harmony's symbols lacked the appropriate movements to wield. With an infuriated sigh the Air Harmony turned toward Renana. The Language of the Hands is too complicated. How can we fight such a quick adversary when each defense and offense take so much effort?

With a raised brow Renāna symbolled, The alternative is to simply lay down and die. The words stalled, letting her point sink in. When practiced regularly, the motions become muscle memory and won't take nearly as long. She moved her gaze toward their hands. Again. With fervor.

Ishrab purposefully maneuvered between the children, acknowledging them all with pleasant nods and smirks. Like many times before, Ishrāb has come to assist me in a display of combined Harmonies. Eager grins and bodies leaning forward, the children glanced between one another to witness what they were certain to be an incredible display of power. But before we begin, I want to see one successful wield. Renāna immediately met the eyes of the strongest in her class before signing, And it has to be from those still working to maintain their combined Sources.

One of Renāna's most eager and determined students raised her hand. I believe Ōzōr and I can do it. We could use our own Harmonies and make a Mirroring Mask.

An expression of pride brightened Renāna's features. I believe you are correct.

Ōzōr smirked, rising to his feet. Tapping his foot in time with Ahēa's, the two began to blend their opposing Sources, Ember and Sea colliding; immense heat and tepid liquid creating a rectangular sheet of glass, a mirror capable of reflecting everything around them, while simultaneously hiding the Harmonians behind it, but the glass unexpectedly shattered, falling toward the earth until the sharp edges shimmered away into steam, not one reaching the ground. Ōzōr and Ahēa's faces of mirth became instantly solemn.

Renāna immediately intervened, her features still as vibrant as theirs had been when they'd first created the Mirroring Mask. That was incredible, and I am deeply proud of you both!

The two shared a glance, their eyes congratulating one another with returned smiles and raised fists, eventually even patting each other's shoulders. Ōzōr turned to Ishrab impishly. I believe we were promised a spectacle upon our success.

Ishrab winked at the students, the eagerness growing amongst them with Ishrab's lopsided grin. Something with a little flash? He signed to her, Renana restraining her own smirk, though the shimmer of her eyes had given her away. How about an Infinity Door with illuminated enlarged Flora? She signed, exclusively to Ishrāb who gave a curt nod.

Ishārb began tapping his foot, Renāna matching the rhythm, their hands creating separate symbols while remaining in sync. Colors of gold, flashes of jade, hues of violet exited their palms, the shades taking solid form. The children's mouths dropped; their eyes wide in utter awe. Rectangular doorways encompassed the group, immense flora the size of a grown man through each passage. The Infinity Door was typically used to confuse an onlooker as to what portal the Harmonian had traveled, creating multiples of the same image, but its beauty was undeniable and adding a dash of enlarged flowers made for quite the scenery.

As the youth began to applaud, some creating symbols to convey their excitement, Ishrāb's arm gently pulled Renāna toward him, his lips placing a tender kiss on her temple, head tilting to the side at the short-lived heartache within her eyes that he was quick to notice. A private sign lay before Renāna's eyes. What troubles you?

Renāna pulled away from her betrothed, unwilling to address the issue, a firm gesture politely commanding for her students to settle down. That is enough for today. She signed, some immediately rising while others requested more time to practice. If you wish to stay with a partner by all means, but Ishrāb and I have business to attend to. Moments before she intended to leave, Ahēa raised her hand; Renāna addressing the girl with focused curiosity. What is it, Ahēa? Renāna symbolled. Ahēs's black hair caused her already prominent eyes to stand out even further. With her hands folded in her lap, Ahēa raised a single hand to begin signing but quickly returned her it to her lap; a sudden apprehension filling her bright eyes. Ahea, whatever you share is safe with me. With us. Renāna expressed, her eyes conveying to the others this would be a time of secrecy. For most of the children had learned from a young age questioning the council was strictly prohibited. Their word was sacred. Their word was law. Still, as if that statement had been enough, Ahēa finally signed, Some of us have noticed our farming hasn't been going as easy as it used to. Why is that? Her bold question had drawn several students who had begun walking away to return; their innocent eyes hoping Renāna would have an answer. Rather than conceal it, Renāna maintained a sense of calm as she told her students the hard truth. The takers are sucking The Lands of the Covenant dry. As natural moisture in the air decreases, it becomes more difficult to produce Sea manipulation. As most of the Land becomes nothing but dust, it becomes harder to form soil. But fear not, students. Soon I will travel beyond our borders and complete what I was called for. Renāna's shoulders were pulled back as she nodded assuredly, confident she wouldn't let them down.Though despite an unwavering belief, fear had not been entirely extinguished in her students, sparking her quick steps to escape. Heading toward her living quarters, trees thickening as she passed. Reaching a section of undisturbed space, Renāna leaned against bark, her fingers aglow disclosing the heightened emotions within. A hand rested over Renāna's heart, eyes firmly shut.

Rather than force Renāna to open her eyes, Ishrāb created the same clicks necessary for those without sight. Will you speak to me now?

It is an injustice that some of them would die under the cruelty of war and the council is all but willing to allow it, rather than send me. She signed, each motion abrupt, the letters filled with aggravated vibrancy.

Ishrāb rubbed her arms, her statement raising a solid argument. What was the reason for their decision, he wondered. Fear was a powerful adversary, perhaps the simplest answer was the right one. Given you are our last and final hope, any possibility of failure-

His clicks halted when Renāna's eyes shot open. I used to believe it was fear alone but wouldn't the fear of eradication out weigh the former? We try or we die. Her face tightened, staring back toward the lesson area, eyes resolute. Their generation will not be our final one. Not if I can help it.

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