Chapter Seven

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Relieved to be able to say she survived another game, Takara found herself trying to dry her clothes as best she could, wringing out her black vest and hoodie.

Too invested in drying her clothes, she felt a stabbing pain in her arm she had been repressing, reminding her of the injury she sustained in the game. She rolled up the sleeve of her vest to reveal her bloodied arm. The bleeding had slowed from the pressure she applied in the game but still, it looked deep.

While inspecting her wound, Takara hadn't noticed the blonde boy walk over to where she stood, a first aid box in his left hand.

"For your arm"

Takara blinked up at the voice, she had thought everyone had left already.

"Where did y-"

"Behind the reception desk" he stated before she could finish, a slight smile on his face.

"Thank you, did you see where the other two went?"

"They took off pretty quick, doubt they'll live much longer" he smirked as he spoke, amused by the thought of their teammates' oncoming demise. After not helping them in the game, he thought it was what they deserved.

Takara took the box from him, giving him a grateful smile as she did so, not wanting to linger on his last comment too long. She went to sit down in the waiting area, placing the box down next to her and rifling through its contents to find what she needed.

Thankfully, during her time in education, Takara took a few extra classes in first aid. It wasn't a requirement but she always had the desire to learn how to take care of herself and others in hard situations, and knowing basic first aid was one way of doing that.

"I didn't catch your name," Takara spoke, lifting her head from the box, hoping to have some sort of normal conversation for the first time in days.

To her disappointment, the blonde had already left. Why had he just got up and left so quickly after helping her?

"We survived death together and he couldn't even hold a decent conversation with me afterwards. Charming." She spoke to herself, slightly annoyed by the blonde haired male.

Bringing her attention back to her arm, she knew that she would have to give herself stitches. It was too deep of a cut not to. The box had nothing inside it that could be used for stitches so for now she settled on cleaning the wound first and then using some clean bandages to cover it so it wouldn't get infected. She would just have to wait until she was back in her makeshift home to take care of her wound properly.

She picked up the first aid box, deciding on taking it with her back home. It still had a lot of useful items inside it that she could use in the future. Making her way towards the main door, she spied a card laying on the reception desk, it was the two of clubs.

"Out of everyone in that game I think I deserve this the most" she mused to herself, still in disbelief at what she pulled off in that game.

Before she left the building, she checked the phone she had in her pocket one last time to read its final message;

Congratulations on winning!

You have been granted two days on your visa.

Play more games before your visa expires to avoid being eliminated :)

"Only two days" she said in defeat. How could she face another game in only two days.

With this in mind, she wanted to get back home as soon as possible. The sooner she was back the sooner she could rest.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora