Chapter Seventeen

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It was now the next day, and Takara made sure to take it as easy as possible. Because later that night, she would be playing her third game.

Even more pressure had been placed on her for tonight as an executive would be sent with her to judge her ability to complete the games. She wasn't going to lie, but the thought of being watched and analysed while trying to win the game made her feel even more nervous.

Before she went down for breakfast, she walked into her closet to get herself ready for the day. Inside one the wardrobe doors, she had been etching in a tally of how many days she had been in the borderlands. She got a knife she had stolen from the canteen and scratched over four lines with one diagonal line, marking her tenth day in this strange world.

She spent the day with Daichi and Kaito in the morning, and met up with Kuina later in the day. After spending some time with her friends, she went up to her room for a quick nap. She hadn't slept well that night from the nerves of tonight's game, so a nap was exactly what she needed.

A knock at Takara's door was what awoke her from her nap, she looked outside her window. It was getting dark.

Takara walked over to her door and opened it to see the same girl who took her to the clothing storage room. She must be Hatter's errand girl.

"Hatter has requested you in the executive's room" The girl quickly spoke before hurrying off down the hall, most likely to deliver another message to someone else.

Takara sighed, tonight was the night she'd have to play another game, and she knew that's why Hatter had summoned her.

She quickly got herself changed into something more appropriate for a game and made her way down to where Hatter would be waiting for her.

Finding herself faced with the grand oak doors of the executive room, she took a deep breath before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

"Ahh there she is! I was starting to think you'd left for your game already" Hatter exclaimed from his seat at the head of the table.

Hatter wasn't the only one in the room. She acknowledged the other people sitting at the table with him, guessing that they were some of the executives. Her breath hitched in her throat slightly as she noticed one of the executives closest to her. It was none other than Niragi himself, the one person she had been trying to avoid.

Takara could feel Niragi's stare from across the room, she took a quick glance at him to see that smug smirk on his face. She stared back at him until Hatter started to speak.

"Seeing as you're the newest addition here at the beach, you must be tested on your ability to complete games. This will determine what ranking we will give you at the beach"

"If you do exceptionally well, you might get a seat on this very table!" Hatter explained to her.

In all honesty, Takara didn't care for what ranking she got. As long as she got to stay at the beach and have a roof over her head between games, she really didn't care. Plus, if Hatter's theory about escaping the games were true, she had no chance in getting out anyway. She had to accept that she had a high chance of dying in the borderlands.

"I believe Chishiya will be the one observing you in tonight's game. He should be outside this room waiting for you after our talk is finished"

Takara felt a spark of excitement inside of her that she got to play another game with Chishiya. She hadn't been able to speak to him at all since she had joined the beach, and now this game gave her the opportunity to get to know him.

"Well that's all I had to inform you on, good luck Takara!" His voice boomed across the room.

Takara thanked the man before heading back towards the door. As soon as Takara left the room, Niragi got up from his seat and followed after her.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara