Bonus Chapter 15: Distractions or Drowning

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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So without further ado, the chapter-

"I don't know. It's just... I never liked this ride. You and Chance go on since you like it so much. I'll go get us some candy floss, yeah?"

"Okay" I chirped, happily. Aaron smiled in return, kissing me on the cheek lightly

"Be right back" he whispered and with that he moved away from me, said a quick goodbye to Chance before heading towards the candy floss machine.

I yanked Chance by his upper arm and pushing him into the seat beside me. The ride started and, honestly, it was cooler than I had imagined, but that's not what I was thinking about. I started thinking of how much better it would be if Aaron was sitting in the seat beside me.

The ride ended shortly after with me blabbing to Chance about how cool the ride was. I was expecting Aaron to be standing there, smirking; some candy floss in his hand, but he wasn't there.

But that wasn't what broke my heart.

I looked over to the line of the ride to find that the 'ticket girl' was also nowhere in sight.

Aaron's POV of the amusement park


"Come on! This way!" He could hear the sound of her excited voice, but it faded to a mere muffle as he stared at his phone. He couldn't seem to focus on even the blaring music, not when he didn't know how his mother was at home.

Yes, it was her that had told him to get out of the house. On common days, before he had known of her ailment, he would jump at the opportunity of being out, but now it was different. How could he even think of leaving her alone when he knew of her condition?

So, when Chance had come to visit her and his mother had suggested they go meet Lexi, Aaron had been more than reluctant. Despite his mother's and Chance's attempts at persuading him, there was a niggling sense of paranoia in the back of his mind that told him to stay by her side.

In the end, however, he had relented, knowing that his mother was stubborn as hell; she would most definitely not take no for an answer.

So, here he was, at the fair, alongside Chance and Lexi who were running a slight steps ahead of him. Even as he messaged his mother a several time, he could hear them bickering.

"Oh come on Alexis! You're dragging us everywhere and my feet hurt!" Chance cried in his typical whiny manner. Aaron had known him since they were children and he knew enough to know that Chance was not sporty in the slightest, save for playing water polo. It made him laugh as he though to the memory of Chance trying to join in to play American football with him, Danny and Justin. By the end of it, he was littered with bruises and Danny would not stop taunting him for his noodle arms.

"Suck it up, Benedict." Lexi muttered in a deadpan tone and it took him back slightly. When he had first laid eyes on her, the first thought that came to mind was how beautiful she was- yes- but the second thing most definitely had been that he had never seen her before in his life. He didn't doubt her words when she said she had been at his school the entire time, but it made him conclude that she must have been a recluse of some sort. How else could a beauty like her stay so hidden?

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