Bonus Chapter 25: Awkward First-Meet

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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So without further ado, the chapter-

That makes sense." She spoke so softly and it was only then when she smiled that Justin felt himself unravel. The control he had tried to keep disappeared within a fraction of a second as he leaned forward swiftly, grabbing the back of her head gently and pressing his lips softly against her own.

If she opposed him, she didn't show it. Rather, it was the opposite. She tensed for a split second before her shoulders relaxed and she moved her lips against his own. If there even a slight nanometer of control left in Justin, it was destroyed immediately at her response and he buried his hand deep into her soft hair. His other hand rested against her cheek, tilting her face so he could have more of her- her heat and the sound of her breathing. He kissed her until all thought was forgotten, until her eyes had dried up and all she could smell was his icy scent.

Then suddenly, as though hit by a hot poker, she pushed at his chest, moving him away with wide eyes.

"Oh my g- we shouldn't have- I shouldn't have done that." She stuttered out through heavy breaths, and- just as he opened his mouth to speak- she quickly stood up and ran to the door.

Justin's POV from when he meets Raven first time after the kiss


"You're rocking your leg."

Justin turned as Aaron moved in to sit next to him, placing two red cups on the table in front of them. If it weren't for Justin's sharp hearing, he wouldn't have heard his words over the loud blaring of music that played as teenagers danced around them. But, he did hear it and he raised a dark eyebrow, looking to Aaron with a deadpan look.

"Is that observation supposed to mean something to me?" He asked dryly, tone devoid of emotion. If he was talking to someone else, they may have been offended at his cold tone or expression, but not Aaron. No, they had known each other for a decade now; they knew each other more than anyone else ever could. Whilst Justin was adept at handling Aaron's heated temper and impulsive decisions, Aaron was skilled in being able to read Justin's emotionless face and handle his cold words. They truly were a match like no other.

So, it wasn't too surprising for Justin when Aaron's lips quirked into a teasing smile as he lounged back into the armchair, placing one leg up so the side of his ankle was resting on his knee.

"No, it's nothing. I was just thinking the rocking leg was a system error or something. Thought I'd be a good friend and troubleshoot it for you." Aaron spoke playfully, eyes watching his friend's reaction and Justin merely eyed him dryly, but his grey eyes were full of mirth.

"You'd be a good friend if you guessed my drink right." Was what he responded back and Aaron laughed, running a hand through his hair.

"You can take a gamble and have a sip. Test how good of a friend I am yourself." He answered, gesturing to the cup on the left-hand side of the table and Justin leaned forward without hesitation, grabbing the cup before bringing it to his lips.

Aaron watched him as he drank, taking his own cup before looking around. It was Drake's birthday and, so, they were celebrating now with a party, despite it being a school night. Of course, Drake wasn't able to have the party at his house as his younger siblings had to sleep so, right now, they were in Justin's house. His father was off to work on night shift so they, essentially, had the place to themselves for the whole night, not that Justin would condone it. If he was fond of anything, it was sleep and nothing would take that away from him.

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