BitterSweet Memories

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Hey, guys! Its Tuesday and you know what that means- updating time!

Thanks for everyone voting and commenting! It means so much to me, seriously! I know I thank you guys in every chapter and it might get a bit tiring to read, but I can't help it! Im so thankful for you guys!

Anyways, the book is still going through editing,  some changes are being made, so pay no attention to that. (I know I've said this before lol)

Enjoy reading and we will meet again on Tuesday!! Enjoy!


The sight of Aaron on the floor; his head in his hands was enough to make me forget about the burning sensation in my lungs. Panting heavily, I ran as fast as my aching legs could muster, coming to an abrupt halt in front of Aaron.

He didn't look up nor did he do anything else to acknowledge my presence. He just sat lifelessly, his face shielded from sight. No movement was made from his part.

I, on the other hand, had crouched down into a sitting position near Aaron, making sure to leave a suitable distance between us.

I hadn't forgotten what had happened the last time we had talked. I had wrongly accused Aaron and defended a filthy liar to whom Aaron held a displeasure towards. The chances are that Aaron hadn't forgotten it either and, if so, I'm probably the last person he wants to see right now.

Almost out of nowhere, Aaron spoke- the sadness evident in his tone.

"She's gone."

It was all that he said, but it was all he needed to say for me to understand what he meant. It was all he needed to say to bring the tears to my eyes.

"No." I whispered quietly as if doing so would change what has happened.

As if doing so would bring her back.

At long last, Aaron lifted his head from his arms and the sight of him had me both flustered and heartbroken; I couldn't stand to see him like this.

His face was pale and void of all colour. His hair was dishevelled as if he had ran his hands through it several times. I fell apart at the sight of him.

Yet nothing could compare with those eyes.

He stared at me with vacant eyes- so dull and dead. It wasn't the Aaron I had begun to know; it wasn't the eyes that I had lost myself in many times.

I blinked slowly and harshly as if I was trying to wake up. I needed to escape this nightmare, but- no matter how hard I tried- I couldn't seem to leave and then, suddenly, Aaron was talking and I knew that this nightmare was true.

"I thought I'd surprise her this morning." Aaron spoke quietly, hugging his knees to his body. I chose to say nothing. He needed to let it out. He needed the release.

He stared at the ground while he spoke.
"I got up earlier this morning- around 7:00am. I thought of giving her breakfast in bed like she did with me whenever I was sick. She deserved that much, right?" He asked, turning his head slightly to look me in the eyes and I nodded numbly. Aaron returned his gaze back to the ground.

A few droplets of rain fell from the sky. The temperature had dropped slightly since I had been here and I shivered a little as a rough breeze blew past. This weather wasn't good for my health, but I ignored it and looked to the grief-stricken boy in front of me. He was my main priority right now.

Aaron sighed deeply, looking up to the sky. A few droplets of rain fell on his face in the process.
"She was in bed when I came to her room with breakfast; her back was towards me. I put the breakfast down and went towards her to wake her up. I tapped her twice, but she didn't move so I went to the other side of the bed and-"

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