Ch 27 Kidnapped

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*Explicit and Violent content ahead!*
*Readers who may be triggered by physical and/or sexual violence should probably skip this chapter!*

Liz felt like a ragdoll being slung around, the beastman didn't seem to have a care one to even try to handle her gently as he bound through the forest using the trees to springboard off of. His slender yet muscular arm held her around her stomach like a vice, carrying her like a sack of potatoes, her arms and legs dangling free to smack against or be scratched by anything they passed, since she had no way of holding on. Somewhere along the way she must have blacked out weather from pain or lack of being able to breath, but woke to the agony of being harshly dropped on the ground.

Liz coughed and groaned painfully with a metallicy taste in her mouth, her head pounded with an oxygen deprived headache and she blurrily looked up when she heard incoherent voices talking above her and saw two males standing over her. One was breathing heavily, he had a smaller build, with dirty blond hair, two stripes and his tail kind of looked like a tiger's but there was something strange about it that took her a minute to recognize, it has circular spots on his tail instead of stripes. The other male was much larger with a bulkier build kind of like Jin only a bit... run down looking, though he has four stripes and is definitely a tiger.

"She's no good to me if she's dead!" The tiger male roared and struck out at the ?leopard? Jaguar? Puma? Cheetah? Who jumped back barely missing getting his head taken off. Even as disoriented as she was, Liz tried to crawl away... Unfortunately she didn't make it three feet before a heavy foot landed on her back, not hard enough to knock the air out of her lungs but hard enough to pin her against the debree covered earth. "Go back to ensure you weren't followed." The tiger male growled while still effortlessly keeping Liz pinned in place.

"And what if her three striped male is already following?" The other male asked but was cut off by the tiger males vicious roar.

"Then kill him or at least keep him busy until he kills you. Now go before I kill you myself." He growled and the other male took off like a rocket, quickly vanishing into the shadows of the trees. The tiger male looked down on the little female struggling beneath his foot, not exactly like she was trying to escape but more like she was struggling to breathe. Which she in fact was since his foot covered a majority of her back and his weight, though he wasn't pressing down on her hard, made her unable to expand her lungs completely, in turn making her feel suffocated. He removed his foot and Liz gasped for air, but her relief was short lived as the male wrapped his massive hands around her biceps and forced her to stand up.

"Please! Please! Just let me go." Liz begged breaking down into tears, but the male just crinkled his nose in disgust. "Why are you doing this? Please! What do you want?"

"Shut your mouth!" He roared and shook her making her stumble and cry out pitifully from fear. "If you annoy me I will hurt you, so keep quiet." He warned in a deep gravelly voice, once he got a grunted whimpering confirmation he threw her over his shoulder and walked deeper into the forest, the uncomfortable ride didn't last but for a few short minutes before they heard another voice.

"I really didn't think you'd be able to pull it off. Who knew rootless beasts could actually be useful." Said a sarcastic yet sickly sweet male voice and Liz felt the vibrations rumble all through her as the tiger holding her growled more viciously than she'd heard yet.

"Where is she?" He demanded.

"Safe in the tribe with the other females, just in case you decide to do something... reckless." The new male sneered with a sing song mockery in his tone. "She's safe so long as you continue to do as MY mate tells you." He emphasized the word with a little giggle, earning another growl but it was more restrained like the tiger was holding himself back from killing the other male. "Give me the female." The unknown male ordered and the tigers hand flexed around Liz's side like he didn't want too, but her hiss of pain snapped him out of whatever he was thinking and he unceremoniously dumped her on the ground between him the other male.

Again Liz groaned in pain but fought through it and looked up to finally see the new male, she didn't recognize him but his reddish brown hair/fur and pointed ears plus the distinctive fluffy tale swaying behind him let her know he's a fox. He glanced down at her with complete disinterest if not even a little disgust in his eyes then looked back at the tiger with a mischievous grin.

"Be sure to kill her males if you get the chance. They've been a hindrance to my mate long enough. Especially that white tiger." He said then he leaned over and reached for Liz, she scrambled backwards like a crawfish in a futile attempt to try and get away but the fox moved much faster. He lunged forward and twisted his fingers in Liz's hair then lifted, leaving her no other option except to jump to her feet while she clung onto his wrist and cried out at the painful tension on her scalp.

The fox forced her to walk in front of him as he led her to a small hidden cave entrance, not a cave really but a long winding narrow tunnel. Since Liz didn't have any sort of night vision to speak of she couldn't even see a hand in front of her face but luckily the path was fairly smooth so she didn't trip on anything, though she did stumble a lot because of the brisk pace he was forcing her to pretty much jog. After a while he yanked her to a stop, pushed her down to the ground and growled menacingly from above her, "Don't move." Fear raked through her body like a bucket of ice water being dumped over her head and her heart thundered in her chest... But nothing happened...

After a few treacherously long minutes there was a big cracking sound, then the ground rumbled and a plume of dust and dirt filled the air and peppered off her skin. Liz's anxiety which was already about maxed out shot up exponentially higher as her brain scrambled to understand what happened, did the tunnel collapse? Why? What happened? Was there another stampede or maybe an earthquake? Would she die down here being buried alive? Then all thoughts flew out of her head and she screamed as she felt a hand grab her arm, another hand clamped over her mouth and she felt a hot breath fan her face.

"Be silent, female. No one can hear you on the surface, but I won't listen to your noise. Now move." The fox male ordered as he stood her back to her feet and pushed her forward with his hand on the back of her slender neck. This same process happened two more times, where he'd make her stop, he'd collapse the tunnel they'd just passed through so there was no chance of being followed, then they'd continue forward until they finally arrived at their destination.

Liz still couldn't see anything around her except darkness, so she didn't notice at all as they exited the tunnel into a large open cavern, roughly 15' by 20'. The only thing inside here was a nest of furs against one wall, that the Fox threw her down on.

Liz shrieked as the fox male pushed her down again only this time instead of landing on the hard ground she fell onto a bed of furs, which surprised and stunned her for a moment before panic set in and she backed away blindly, ready to lash out at the male regardless of their strength difference if he tried anything. Unbeknownst to her the fox male paid her absolutely no attention and after sealing the tunnel they'd just come through, he silently left, leaving her to her fate.

"Did those disgusting rootless beasts hurt you, my love?" A nauseatingly familiar voice spoke. "Oh, I like the way that sounds. My love. My mate. Mine. All mine. I've waited for this moment for so long and now you're finally here." The hair on Liz's body stood on end and a knot tied itself in her belly, she felt the furs move as he crawled onto the nest, stalking slowly towards her like the predator he is. Liz shuffled along the smooth wall in an attempt to get away, but just as she'd missed the edge of the furs and was about to fall the male grabbed her ankle, dragging her back to the center of his nest and pinned her down with his bodyweight.

"No! No! Stop! Let me go!" Liz panicked, screamed and tried to push him away.

"Shh. Shh. It's ok. You don't have to be scared. I won't hurt you. I love you." He reassured after covering her mouth with his hand. "You're my female now. Oh, It's been too long since I held you last time. Let's take this slow." He whispered huskily, before buring his nose in the crook of her neck, he inhaled deeply but then froze as a growl reverberated through his chest. "I can still smell them on you. Were you about to mate with them?" He asked harshly but all Liz could do was whimper around his hand that still covered her mouth, while his fingers painfully squeezed her jaw, before he realized what he was doing and eased up his strength. "It's not your fault. No. You're just a female, I'm sure you couldn't help it. It'll be fine now. You're all mine."

Liz begged, pled, screamed and cried until her throat went horse and eventually she passed out from the rough handling of her body, but even then the male didn't stop until a female voice called out and drew his attention.

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