Get You The Moon

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The Headband

"You gave me a shoulder when I needed it. You showed me love when I wasn't feeling it. You helped me fight when I was giving in, and you made me laugh when I was losing it. 'Cause you are, you are the reason why I'm still hanging on. 'Cause you are, you are the reason why my head is still above water. And if I could, I'd get you the moon, and give it to you. And if death was coming for you, I'd give my life for you." - Kina ft. Snow


The Palace had gone quiet by the time the Fire Lord finished debating semantics with his youngest son but several key decisions had been made that night.

As a sign of his Father's gratitude, Prince Zuko would be allowed to resume his role as a member of the Royal Family and the subsequent heir to the throne should he not disgrace himself so wholly ever again.

He would marry the daughter of one of the crown's greatest political allies and supporters, the Governor of New Ozai, Ukano Irimi.

As a reward for his daughter's efforts in bringing down the Earth Kingdom, Princess Azula would one day become the warden of the once great nation's former territories following their fall.

Her future husband was still to be decided, though her Father did favor his son's second option for her.

And Prince Zetzu, Ozai's most surprising child, would be granted a spot on the Fire Lord's council, acting as a Master of War and Weaponry following his discovery of the poison that kept the greatest threat to the Fire Nation on her knees.

And on the eve of the Prince's eighteenth birthday, he would marry the daughter of the now formally pardoned Sukumo Kenshin, bringing the Akira's strength under the control of the Royal Family forevermore.

Aelita was seething.

She didn't dare open her mouth in the throne room because poison or not, she didn't trust herself to not breathe fire if she did.

"I'm sorry," Zetzu told her the moment he got her alone in an entirely empty corridor. "I didn't mean any of the things I said about you, I swear."

"Fuck you!" Aelita immediately hissed, whirling on him with disdain in her eyes. "You were planning this all along, weren't you?"

"Not the entire time," He lied easily. "Honestly, it was more of a whim after seeing the way you reacted to my brother last night. You knew as well as I did if my father was going to pardon you, he was going to marry you into the family one way or the other. I thought if I convinced him that you should be with me instead, then maybe you would be happy again one day."

"Bullshit!" The Akira ranted, not caring if anyone heard and killed her on the spot. "Bullshit! I will never be happy ever again! I will never want to be with you or Zuko or anyone that's not..."

Haze. Where Aelita was certain there had once been clarity and memory and love and joy in some part of her mind only existed smoke. The faint traces of sounds and moments and feelings and instances were still there but they couldn't be fully placed.

She had people that had loved her at one point, the family she had been ripped from, she knew that dammit and she loved them too but the specifics of them had started to fade and she hadn't even realized it.

Their names were there still, even their faces and where they were from but so much of the more was just...gone.

Zetzu was seeing the effects of Aelita's mind shutting down and locking memories away in real-time before his very eyes and while he never particularly enjoyed to watch her she her doubt her own mental stability, he loved the fact that another man's name had died on her tongue. The Prince had seen enough from the limited times he had witnessed the son of the Southern Water Tribes Chief and Aelita together to infer that there was something there but his brother had been quick to confirm and give Zetzu more details than he had ever asked for.

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