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The Painted Lady

"Oh, brother of mine, it's been a long, long time since I've seen my face in your eyes. Oh brother, I've returned to my burn scars of birth, charcoal and iron brought me back. " - Madds Buckley


Aelita's words rang in Zuko's ears as he stalked through the shadows of the prison, unable to stay away despite her warning. By some small miracle, he came to a stop outside of his Uncle's cell without having encountered a single living soul, his mind still reeling from the events of the hours before. The formal General didn't turn to face his boy as he approached.

"I brought you some komodo chicken," Zuko spoke as he slunk into the dim, dingy room, the air wet with mold as he slid a tray underneath the small gap in the cell bars. "I know you don't care for it, but I figure it beats prison food."

Iroh kept his back to the boy, but Zuko continued on anyway, settling down on the damp ground. "I admit it, I have everything I always wanted, but it's not as all how I thought it would be," He groaned, rubbing his face in a desperate attempt to chase away unwanted thoughts. "The truth is, I need your advice," He said after some time, leaning forward to grip the bars between them. "I think the Avatar is still alive, I know he's out there, I'm losing my mind," The Prince said, fighting to keep the desperation out of his voice but when the older man didn't answer, he began to beg. "If anyone finds out that Aang is alive then my Father will demand the head of the Akira in his place. Don't you understand? Aelita will die, and I'm afraid I won't be able to save her this time. Please, Uncle, I'm so confused I need your help," He nearly cried out at the end but when Iroh still didn't answer, anger overtook Zuko instead. "Forget it!" He snapped, jumping to his feet. "I'll solve it myself! I'll protect Aelita myself. Waste away in here for all I care!"

And without so much as a parting glance at the man who had raised him, the Prince disappeared into the night like a phantom in the wind, determined that he would never be back to see his Uncle Iroh again.

The once proud General didn't allow himself to cry until he was certain his son was gone.


Jang Hui was a surprisingly beautiful island, so it was all the more jarring when the scenery of it began to change after two days of travel along a pearlescent river. Tucked safely in Appa's saddle, the makeshift family watched the wooded countryside pass by as the bison continued to float his way down the water, more bored than anything, the villages on the outer Nation island few and far between. Aang and Momo, always brimming with too much energy, were the most stir-crazy. As soon as the almost summer sun had warmed the air enough to constitute as warm, the Avatar stripped out of the bulk of his clothing and launched himself from where he sat on Appa into brown water that had just been blue a few bends ago, the lemur a step behind him.

They came up sputtering and covered completely in sludge a breath later.

Kyojuro was happy to set aside his makeshift fishing pole and offer Aang a hand, hauling the boy back into the saddle, Momo clutching onto the airbenders foot. When the Prince noticed the thick gunk that now coated his own skin, he grimaced and when his friends turned their focus back on Aang, he casually leaned over to wipe off the mess on his hand on Appa's fur. "I know I'm no expert," He said as the Avatar and his lemur attempted feebly to wipe the muck they had swallowed off their tongues. "But I think this river's polluted."

"Well, that explains why we can't catch a fish around here," Sokka quickly agreed, tossing his own pole on top of Kyojuro's.

Kyojuro's brow furrowed. "Wait, is fishing not supposed to be this terrible?"

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