Swing Life Away

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"Are we getting closer or are we just getting more lost?" - Rise Against

Sokka's Master - Finale. 


Toph and Kyojuro were like a pair of kids in a sweets shop when they learned that even space rock was bendable. Their giddy excitement faded when Sokka told them to quit playing because apparently what he wanted was more important. They were well and annoyed by the time they made it to Piandao's estate, carting along what was likely a too-large piece of the meteorite. 

Sokka ignored their grumbled complaints and protests, leading the charge with an eager joy that he hadn't felt in some time. He could admit that Kyojuro had been right - he needed this. He needed the bittersweet peace he felt as he imagined Aelita going through so many of the same motions, though he had learned casually from Fat that while the Master took few students, even fewer spent their days by his forge. Sokka knew that his girl, like many others, left Piandao still carrying the sword she had come with. Still, he could so easily imagine her smiling beside him as he led his friends past the village to the sprawling estate, the earthbenders truly doing the heavy lifting while he and Katara pretended to push. 

Despite their initial reluctance, neither Toph nor Kyojuro complained. They missed seeing this version of Sokka - confident and determined and buzzing with excitement when he finally pounded the knockers to the estate gates. His teacher answered, stepping outside to asses the boulder and the group of teens pushing it. The tanned-skinned girl was too much a mirror of her brother to be anyone other than the fiercesome Katara of Pakku's praise. Piandao pegged the Beifong girl by the cloudy whites of her sightless eyes. He guessed the third to be the missing Hashibira Prince to his relief. And even with his arrows hidden, Piandao knew he stood in the presence of the last airbender.

Of course, the swordsman was keen to keep his knowledge to himself, at least for a little while longer. "Who's this with you?"


"Oh, these are my friends that I was telling you about. The ones traveling with me. Just other good Fire Nation folks," Sokka rambled, caught off guard by his Master's unexpected question. He said a silent prayer of thanks when the older man seemed to believe him, letting the excitement back into his voice when Piandao bowed kindly to his friends. "Anyway, do you think we can make a sword out of a meteorite‌?"

Piandao only stopped to consider for a moment before he grinned.  "We'll make a sword unlike any other in the world."


Aelita was certain her luck finally ran out when she found Azula waiting at her door. "Princess."

The other girl only grinned at the indifference. Her hair hung long and straight, only a few pieces pulled back from her face. She wore loose-fitting pants similar to the ones Ty Lee favored, the skim of her stomach showing through the robe tossed lazily over the sleeveless top that stopped just past her ribs. "Really now, Aelita. Is there any need for formalities? We're practically sisters." 

"I suppose we are," Aelita agreed with half her body still hidden behind the door she held open, one foot planted firmly on top of Mushu's tail to prevent him from trying to bare his teeth at the Princess. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh, I just had to check on you myself," Azula fretted, almost believable with her hands clutched in front of her chest. "Dad and I have been just so worried about you, 'Lita. I mean, how could we not be? You collapsed the night of your engagement, and even the Fire Lord's best healers couldn't tell why. It was all rather terrifying really, so we decided it would be best to let you rest." Slowly the fake concern on her face turned to something more conniving as she continued. "So imagine our shock when we hear that not only are you up and well enough to visit the royal spa, but you've been training again as well. Of course, while we admire your dedication, Father and I fear that you may be doing too much too soon. So, he sent me to keep an eye on you today. Isn't that just touching?"

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