Chapter Six

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Drew was resting her head on her mom's shoulder, laughing along with the beloved older lady next to her at the funny scenes in the Korean series.

The mom and daughter were half sitting on the bed while the nanny was laying on the couch next to them with a bowl of chips on her tummy.

The trio kept giggling, but at the same time, the two knew better the older lady would need a little break since she had wasted so much energy laughing.

Gratefully, the episode ended. They made an excuse and changed the channel to watch the news. The nanny and younger girl patiently explained for a couple of minutes and rewarded the older lady with her favorite plain yogurt with banana.

Thankfully, the older lady clapped her hands happily and asked them to get that bowl of yummy yogurt for her.

After happy yogurt time, the older lady was distracted by the National Geography show and she seemed intrigued by the adorably and cuddly koala bears, and the nanny and the younger girl decided to let the older lady enjoy the tv show.

In the meantime, Drew checked her phone since the time had passed 8.30 pm. She was getting worried for the brunette since she had checked the phone from time to time as soon as she finished her shower once she was home.

Drew quickly checked her phone when she felt a vibration from it. It was an unknown number that was evidently the cutie's text she had been looking for.

"Hi Drew, Giselle here. I'm so sorry for the lateness. I just got in the car safe and sound after the lovebird guardians walked me to my car. I will tell you more after I'm home. Thank you for your concern. Good night, have a great weekend ahead!"

Drew was half relieved after reading a message from the cutie. However, she still worries about Giselle, and she needed to know the adorable brunette reached home sound and safe.

She started typing the message in return, but her left thumb hovered over the phone. She was debating whether making a call to Giselle to be her companion was a great idea. They seemed better than acquaintances but not close as friends yet.

Was that too much to care about a newbie's safety?

Well, it was such bullshit!

Drew shook her head to brush off her battle as she quickly turned to her mom and asked softly, "Mom, mind if I go out and make a phone call? It won't be long."

The older lady pouted her lips and shook her head slowly, "Why don't you make a phone call here instead? It's Friday, Min Min. You should spend more time with me."

"I agree with your mom," Delilah piped in with a grin.

Drew's face tinted and she was grateful they left a dim light in the living room, quickly made an excuse, "But I might interrupt the nice show."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Just don't leave me, Min. Stay here," The older lady insisted but more like pleading with her daughter and shot a pair of puppy dog eyes at her. "You always hang out with your friends every night and go home late."

Drew couldn't help but chuckle since her mom had jumbled up the memories in Drew's early 20 when she had first started to work. Those were the times she tried to get acquainted with her lady boss and colleagues and they would go for Happy hour, drinking beers every weekday after work.

Drew was grateful they started to do that less after they got busy and some of the colleagues had drama issues between them.

"I'll be right back!" Drew quickly said as she pecked her mom's cheek and dashed upstairs to take her earphone from her room.

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