Chapter Twenty Five

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The brunette didn't really pay much attention to the 40 something year old lady across from her who was ranting and kept nagging at her. The younger girl was too busy amending the errors made by the lady and then had to resend it to Monica before lunch break. Unfortunately, that left only 45 minutes for her to get it done. Giselle just thought that her senior should be able to finish this within 15 minutes as a piece of cake.

Giselle was frustrated but she was too fed up to explain to someone that they were being reckless and always put the blame on her when trouble came. Deep down, Monica knew that, and she had to ask Giselle to check and rectify the errors before resending it to her after the forgetful lady had wasted an hour excusing that Giselle's information was misleading.

"Are you listening?" The lady snapped and caused the other colleagues to turn their attention to their side.

Giselle quickly clicked send to Monica and she checked the time on her PC screen and was pleased she made it on time. Giselle took a stack of paper files on her forearm, walked toward the annoying lady and said with a drip of sarcasm, "I'm done, Miss Jane. I did as you told me, do it carefully and wisely! It is safe to pass them to Miss Monica without getting us in trouble."

The brunette gently put a stack of the files right on top of the piles of paper and let the old tray collapse since she knew one of the legs was bad to support the tower of papers. "I'm sorry!" Giselle gave a fake apology and ignoring the lady's rude comment, she returned to her cubicle to take her clutch and walked past the documents and papers scattered around the floor and she smiled in relief when she was leaving the office.


"Are you getting better?" Giselle was holding Drew's hands who were hugging her from behind. The brunette was peacefully looking at the view of the drizzling rain on the street, through the window at the corner of their secret room, relishing the warmth from the taller girl who was closing her eyes and facing the crook of Giselle's neck inhaling and saying dreamily, "Give me a second, Maylee. It's so reviving."

Giselle used a hand to gently caress her senior's head and hoped she would get better, since she had a migraine this morning, after a long meeting and catching up on her dateline work. "You should take a day off, Min," Giselle pouted her lips while her senior shook her head and said, "No, I don't want to miss a day to see you."

"You're silly!" Giselle scolded with a barely contained smile, and she slowly turned back to face Drew and let her senior rest her face on her shoulder before wrapping her arms around her senior to give an embrace that she liked a lot.

"Awesome!" Drew sighed comfortably and held her adorable brunette tight and earned a sweet chuckle from Giselle. "Do you wanna play a language game?"

"Do you have any hints?" Giselle grinned.

"Hmm... It is only two words, Maylee," Drew said with a hint of a smirk.

"But I don't wanna get tricked again!" Giselle huffed, but joined her senior's contagious laugh.

"You will like it, I promise!" Drew said while she gently pulled Giselle further for her to look at her and smiled softly, "You won't regret it."

"Okay," Giselle shrugged casually at her senior and waited for her gameplay again.

"This is a way that I can get you to learn Chinese fast," Drew smiled but Giselle could tell it was going to be a trick but give in anyway, "I'm quite looking forward to what fun you're making with me this time."

"I'm sorry. I went too far last time," Drew said sheepishly as Giselle's face reddened again. She used a hand to slap her senior's arm when she had a flashback to a day that Drew taught her to say 'marry me' instead of 'I love you' after they did a duet to the Chinese song in their karaoke time, since Giselle liked the music and was curious about the lyric.

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