27 - opening up

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(10:06am, chris' pov)
we had just gotten back home. maddie was at school obviously so the house was quiet. the storm outside was brutal. i had no connection on my phone the whole journey home, but as soon as i got home i had a message from mom.


mom❤️❤️: Where is your sister!!!
mom❤️❤️: School called and said she isn't in school and she isn't answering my messages - I am very worried
mom❤️❤️: Can one of you call her so I can settle?

she wasn't in school? why?

You: Well she's not at home
You: I'll message her now

i started to worry. i knew she was fine but i needed to make sure.

mad dawg💯

You: Maddie where are you??
You: Mom told me the school said you aren't in but we are home now and you aren't here so..
You: Please tell us where you are I'm starting to worry

"chris? you okay?" nick asked, noticing i was a bit on edge.
"maddie isn't in school apparently, mom said the school told her she's not in and she isn't answering anyone's messages"
matt turned around.
"oh shit no way" nick said "where could she be??"
suddenly nicks phone started ringing. we all looked at him.
"it's alahna" he said, answering. "hello?"

"hi nick, maddie's at my house. are you guys able to come over? she's not doing good, at all"

"oh my god, alahna thank you so much. we were so worried" nick breathed, as me and matt looked at neach other, wondering what was happening. "what happened? is she okay?? how did she even end up at yours??

"just come over and she'll tell you everything, it's just been a hard few days for her"

nick nodded.
"okay, i love you alahna. thank you again. we're on our way"
nick hung up.
"what is it? is she with alahna?" i asked. he nodded.
"yep, apparently she's not doing good." i saw matts face drop in sadness.
"we are such fucking bad brothers. come on let's go" matt said, as we rushed outside to the car and drove to alahna's.

"bro what were we THINKING leaving her home alone last night. we are so stupid" i said.
"oh my god i know i feel fucking horrible, the poor girl" nick said, as we arrived. we headed out the car and knocked on alahna's door.

(10:36am, maddie's pov)
i was still sat on alahna's bed. she had put some pillows up for me to rest my head on. my eyes hurt from crying and i looked fucking awful. the doorbell rung, bringing me back to reality. i felt my stomach drop.
"maddie, it's okay, it's just matt, nick and chris. i'll bring them up here" she smiled, trying to reassure me. she left the room, as my leg was bouncing. my wrists were really stinging and i kept wincing in pain.

i heard the door open downstairs and alahna and my brothers talking. i couldn't hear what they were saying, but then i heard footsteps, then i saw my brothers. i burst into tears. they were gonna be so mad at me, but to my surprise chris ran over to me and wrapped me in his arms.
he had never seen me cry like this before.
i cried into his neck as he rubbed my back.
"shhh, you're okay buddy. it's okay. i'm right here. i'm not going anywhere. just let it all out."
i cried and cried and cried, as i felt matt and nick join the hug. matt kissed my head, stroking it and nick intertwined our hands. i missed my brothers.

"what's happened in school, sweetheart?" nick asked in a gentle voice, holding my hand. i let out a hiccup from all the crying, as he gently tucked my hair behind my ears. matt and nick were on either side of me, me leaning against matt and nick holding my hand, and chris was sat in front rubbing my leg. they were all looking at me, patiently. i could tell they were feeling horrible.
"i got in a fight with sophie, and- and" i took a moment. "and i punched her and her nose was like- there was so much blood and i'm gonna be in so much trouble now and i just feel like such a bad kid and everyone hates me and you guys are probably so disappointed me-"
i was crying my heart out. they all looked at each other as matt pulled me into his chest.
"come here bubba it's okay" he said, stroking my head.
chris looked like he was about to start crying with me. i just wanted to hug chris and tell him i forgive him because i knew he felt horrible for shouting at me.
"maddie, first of all we aren't mad at you. it sounds like you've been through enough and us being mad will make that worse." nick said. "and second, we've been such horrible brothers recently. we shouldn't have gotten so angry, and we shouldn't of ignored you like we did."
"yeah, and i should've never shouted at you like that. i regretted it as soon as i did it because it wasn't fucking right at all." chris said.
"and we shouldn't have left you home alone last night. i don't know what we were thinking." matt said, planting a kiss on my head as he scratched my back. my face was buried in his chest as nick also rubbed my back.
"i feel so bad" i heard chris whisper to the others. matt nodded.
"just let it all out, honey. it's alright" nick reassured me. i couldn't breathe. matt could tell i was struggling for air so helped me sit up and placed my hand on his chest.
"hey, focus on my heartbeat. deep breaths. in.. and out.."
we did some deep breaths together, and i had got my breath back but was still in tears.
"and.. she was just saying really horrible things to me so and it made me lose control and i punched her. i'm sorry" i cried.
"bubba, don't be sorry, it's not your fault. ok?" chris said. "it sounded like she deserved it."
"had this bullying been going on for a while?" nick asked.
i forgot that him and chris didn't know about the argument.
"her and sophie haven't been on good terms recently since she joined the cheer team" matt explained. they all looked at each other, looking angry with sophie.
"what a fucking nasty bitch" nick said. i nodded.
"and last night i didn't get any sleep and i'm just so tired." i balled. chris looked at me in sadness.
"i can tell you're tired. what time did you go to bed kid?" he softly asked.
"not until like 5"
they all looked at each other in shock
"jeez man, that's bad" matt said. i nodded.
"oh my god maddie i am so sorry. about everything. this is all our fault" nick said, pulling me closer to him.
"no it's not you guys' fault it's my fault for being such a stupid person" i sniffled
"maddie don't you ever fucking say shit like that. ever. you're not a stupid person at all. you're the smartest fucking girl i know. i don't know where i would be if i didn't have you. you're my best friend bro, you come before anyone. and if sophie can't see that, you need to get her out of your life. i'm glad you punched her honestly. that must've been satisfying." chris said.
i giggled, as they all laughed too.
"your laugh is so cute" nick laughed, brushing my hair off my forehead.
"but you know who you do have? you have us always. you have alahna, who is fucking awesome right now, you have nate, elmer, all our LA friends, madi, all our fans, and you have macy. macy loves you bro, i can tell." chris smiled.
"macy is fucking awesome. i'm glad you have her. i'm super glad." matt said. "so what happened, like how did you get here?"
"i tried going to elmers but he wasn't home, and so i went here" i explained.
"why didn't you just come home, bubba?" nick asked.
"because you guys were mad at me"
"oh my god, no, that makes me feel so so bad" chris said, gesturing for me to give him a hug. i sat up as he brought me into a hug. he ran his hand up and down my arm. "if you're ever feeling like this even if we're mad at you please just tell us. we're never ever gonna be mad at you if you're sad. that would be horrible of us. we hate seeing you so upset."
i pulled away, in pain. my arm was really stinging. they all looked at me in confusion.
"what is it?" matt asked. i looked at my arm, as chris gently lifted my sleeve up as i winced. his eyes widened as he saw the red cuts, which were incredibly infected.
"oh my god" he gasped "are these new?"
i nodded
"kid, those are infected we need to get those cleaned up" nick said
"i'll go get some supplies" matt said, going downstairs. nick sat down in front of me, holding my hand. it was super painful.
"i'm really sorry guys. i was just feeling so alone on wednesday night and i relapsed."
"baby it's okay. we aren't mad or disappointed in you. for now we just need to get these cleaned up. and we're gonna help you get better." nick smiled, wiping my tears from my eyes.
"it's just really painful" i trembled. chris squeezed me tight.
"i know, it's not going to last forever. it will go away we are going to clean it up"

matt came up a few minutes later with a soft washcloth which had some soap on it..


hey everyone!! thank u for all of the love on my story <33 this part of the book is so sad but i am really enjoying writing it and i am glad everyone else is enjoying it. ily all<33

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن