60 - loved

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(maddie's pov - 25 mins later)
i wasn't sure for how long i'd been out for.. i'd sure lost a lot of blood.. but slowly, i could hear muffled voices again.
it sounded like matt.. maybe? i don't know..
wait, yes. i could hear matt, and nick, and mr jackson, and chris!!!
where am i?
i could feel a hand running through my hair, which felt very calming. my eyes slowly began to flutter open, and at first my vision was blurry, but then i saw where i was.
i was lying down in one of the beds in the nurses office, surrounded by my brothers on my right side, and hannah and mr jackson on my left, as well as one of the nurses at the foot of my bed. and matts hand was the one playing with my hair.
they immediately noticed i was awake.
"oh my gosh, maddie-" chris immediately said, as he got up and practically suffocated me in a hug. matt and nick joined him, muttering words of relief, and i could feel chris squeezing my hand. i didnt know what to say. i was still in shock. i felt tears building up in my eyes as they slowly pulled away from the hug. i was confused, and felt slightly disorientated, but thankfully i don't think anyone noticed that i was on the verge of tears, because my brothers immediately started thanking mr jackson.
"dude- mr jackson is it??" chris asked him. he nodded.
"yep, that's it" he chuckled.
"well dude thank you so much, you pretty much saved our sisters life, we are so grateful, if you hadn't come in at that moment.. well.. i don't even wanna think about what could've happened." matt said, his hand still going through my hair. "we could've lost her."
mr jackson shook his head.
"it's completely okay, what those girls did was absolutely unacceptable and they will be punished for that." he replied, looking at me in the eyes. "maddie, i want you to know that you are safe. those girls aren't going to EVER come near you again. they're being dealt with right now. everything is going to be absolutely fine. we've all got your back. and we're all here for you."
i nodded, smiling, a few tears spilling down my cheeks. matt gently wiped them away with his thumb, giving me a warm smile.
"thank you, sir. you're the best teacher i've ever had. i don't think i could've got through this year without you."
mr jackson held out his hand. i took it, as he looked at me in the eyes again.
"being a teacher is about inspiring students to be the best version of themselves that they can be. and i know that that has been very difficult this year, but you pulled through despite everything. i'm proud of you." mr jackson beamed. i almost started balling but i couldn't do that. then my attention turned to hannah. she looked so guilty, but she didn't do anything wrong.. i guess she felt responsible for those girls because she was 'friends' with most of them.
"maddie, i'm so so sorry-"
"hannah, you don't need to be sorry. you're an amazing person." i weakly smiled. "thank you for caring. i didn't know there were still girls like that in this school."
she practically ran into my arms, giving me a hug.
who knew there were nice cheerleaders.
she slowly pulled away, giving my hand a final squeeze.
"you're brave as shit, and i have so much respect for you. those girls are insane. i don't know how i was ever friends with them, but i definitely am not after this."
i chuckled.
i would hope not.
"we better head off, hannah. maddie, take care of yourself. and get in touch if there is anything i can do. i believe in you" mr jackson said, giving me a fist bump as him and hannah stood up to leave.
"same for me, mads." hannah added on, as mr jackson held the door open. "get better soon"
i gave them one final wave, as they both left the room, as the nurse escorted them.
now it was just me and my brothers. and that was the most comforting feeling.
"so.. you didn't listen to me, huh?" matt grinned, obviously joking.
i let out a chuckle, actually finding the joke funny, but i didn't laugh fully. i felt relieved to be with my brothers, and luckily AGAIN still alive..
let's add this onto my list of near death experiences.
but i felt like there was still an obstacle blocking me from being able to relax fully. and for the first time, i could finally admit it out loud-
"i don't want to be at this school anymore." i blurted out, expecting them to try and reason with me, but to my surprise, they seemed to agree.
"no, no, of course you aren't staying here. are you crazy?" nick replied almost immediately after i spoke. "we'd be an INSANE family if we let you stay at this maniac school."
i smiled weakly, slowly feeling more relaxed.
"i'm so sorry, maddie, about everything." matt began, holding my hand. "genuinely, today.. that was traumatic. and you don't have to pretend you're okay. don't think you're not allowed to feel any emotions, because you completely are. it's absolutely okay to not be okay."
"agreed" chris and nick said in sync. i nodded, slowly sitting up as matt embraced me in a hug, rubbing my back.
as long as i have my brothers, that's all that matters.
"and obviously, shit is gonna be hard for a bit of a while.. you know" chris muttered, as i slowly pulled away from matt to look at chris. "but from now on, you're going to be so much safer than you were at this school. no more sophie.. no more crazy cheerleader girls.."
i laughed, as matt and nick laughed as well.
"and we're always gonna protect you, sweetheart. we're a team." nick smiled, rubbing my shoulder. i smiled, this time without an obstacle stopping me from relaxing.
"thanks guys. you're the best brothers i could ever wish for."
then, the door opened. i felt an initial sense of panic, wondering who it could be, but this quickly dissipated once i saw the comforting and familiar faces of my parents. they both looked very concerned, but as soon as they saw me smiling with my brothers, they seemed to relax a bit.
"maddie, jesus christ, what has this school come to?? are you feeling okay??? does anything hurt???" mom exclaimed, rushing to sit beside me, and gently brushing her hand against my cheek. her touch was warm, and comforting. i nodded, smiling.
"don't worry, mom. i'm feeling a lot better." i replied. "it's just my eye and my nose, but i've got ice for it and i think the nurse will come back to put a cast or something on my nose."
"yeah, the nurse said luckily no super serious damage was done, like your nose isn't broken, thank god, and it's only a bit of bruising near the eye." nick beamed.
my dad sat on the other side of me, enveloping me in a comforting hug.
"i'm so glad you're okay. we definitely aren't keeping you at this school. we'll sort something out." he gently spoke, holding me tight.
i loved my family.
"yes, but for now, you're resting at home." i heard mom say.
i pulled away from my dad quick, because i could feel a sneeze coming on, and then sneezed.
"dude, don't you have a cold as well? i completely forgot about that" matt laughed.
i sniffled, laughing a bit too. "yeah"
"wow, kid. you're really falling to pieces huh" chris chuckled, patting my back, as my dad passed me the tissue box. i wasn't really sure how to blow my nose considering it was very bloody inside and was bruised, so it would be very painful.
having a blocked nose and a bruised nose wasn't the most ideal thing right now.
but sooner or later, i was back in the car with my family, headed back home to my safe place, with a cast on my nose, but knowing i was loved.

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Where stories live. Discover now