30 - sick

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mom and dad were cooking dinner for macy's family, and me and my brothers were just getting ready so we looked presentable. the doorbell rung and my mom let macy and her parents in.
"hi!! it's so nice to meet you, i'm marylou, this is jimmy and these are our three boys" mom smiled, as we all greeted the family with friendly smiles.
"hi!! thank you so much for having us" macy's mom replied, enthusiastically
"the pleasure is all ours" dad chuckled, before my parents + matt, nick and chris went off to the living room with macy's parents, leaving just me and macy.
"soooo... how's school been without me?" i asked, making macy burst into laughter.
"oh my gosh maddie NEVER GET SUSPENDED AGAIN it's been the most fucking horrible thing ever. maths was horrific with jack just arguing with the teacher the whole time!!"
i started laughing, then we headed to my room with trevor. we were chatting about the whole me punching sophie thing, when nick came up to my room to bring us down for dinner.

we all sat at the table, me next to chris and macy, and started eating. my parents had cooked some amazing beef and fries.
"wow, this is really good you guys, what drugs did you put inside of this?" macy's dad asked, enjoying his food. we all laughed, especially my mom.
"just made with love" she chuckled.

after dinner, me, macy and my brothers all went to chris' room to play mario. there were 5 of us, which was a perfect amount because chris had 5 controllers.
"we haven't played with 5 people in ages bro" chris said, sitting down next to nick on the sofa.
"for real" nick replied, getting the game set up.
"i'm gonna beat you guys' asses. just saying" macy laughed.
"um, no you are NOT macy. in this house I am the king of mario kart" nick suddenly replied, making all of us chuckle at him.
"i guess we'll just have to watch and find out" matt said.

macy actually did end up winning the first two matches, then chris, then matt. so nick was basically wrong the whole time. i found it super funny.
"whose the king of mario in this house now?" i laughed, clutching my stomach at nick. i was crying of laughter once again. macy was also laughing. nick was unimpressed.
"ha ha ha." he said, with a serious face. "just you guys wait. gimme two more weeks and i'll win all four of these matches. you didn't win anything either, maddie, so you can't talk."

we all went back downstairs for desert, which was homemade apple crumble and custard. so good.

macy and her family were soon leaving. our parents had been chatting all evening and we had been having fun in chris' room, playing video games and just chilling. i started to feel really tired, and my eyes felt really heavy on chris' sofa.
"MACY!! TIME TO GO!!" macy's mom shouted from downstairs.
"COMING!!" macy shouted back, as my eyes opened properly now. "awww i don't wanna go"
"we don't want you to go either" matt said, as we all followed macy downstairs. we hugged her and her parents goodbye, then got ready for bed. i was exhausted, so once i had gotten ready, as soon as i got into bed i fell asleep.

(2:09am - tw: vomit)
i woke up in the middle of the night, suddenly feeling really really sick.
shit.. was i going to throw up?? no.. it didn't feel like it.
i had a few sips of water and tried shrugging this uneasy sick feeling off of me, but it kept coming back, getting worse and worse. i could feel my forehead beginning to burn up too.
maybe i should go sit in the bathroom for a bit.
i slowly sat up and tied my hair up in a ponytail, and headed out of bed. even though i could feel my forehead burning, i felt really cold. i was shivering.
then it hit me. as soon as i opened the door to the hallway i knew i was going to puke.
fuck fuck fuck
i ran to the bathroom and closed the door and opened the toilet lid, letting out a cough and then emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet.
it felt disgusting. and my stomach was hurting whilst i did this which caused me a great amount of pain. i could feel tears streaming down my face from the pain.
i had stopped throwing up for a few seconds, and in that time i managed to stand up and rinse my mouth out with some water, but as i spat it out i could feel another wave of sickness coming up, so i threw myself down on the floor and let out another round of sick in the toilet.
i hated this.

(2:13am, chris' pov)
i was asleep from what i remember, when i heard someone running through the hallway, and then the bathroom door slamming.
my first thought was an intruder, which kind of freaked me out, but then i could hear retching and coughing from the bathroom, which i could tell was maddie.
i stood up and got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. the door wasn't locked, so i opened it.
i saw maddie leaning into the toilet bowl, throwing up.
the poor thing.
i gently closed the door, to be careful to not startle her, and sat down next to her.
"it's ok" i said, tired, as i patted her back as she continued to empty her stomach. "it's okay. just let it all out."
i could tell she was crying. she was resting her elbows on the toilet seat with her head in her hands and she was shaking. i rubbed her back trying to calm her down, and held her close as i planted a warm kiss to the back of her head.
"you're okay, bubba. it's going to be okay, this will pass. i promise" i whispered.
she nodded, still shaking as cold tears fell down her face. i heard the door open behind us. i turned around, it was just matt.

(maddie's pov)
i couldn't stop the tears falling down my face. i was scared. i hated throwing up. i felt so shit right now and my stomach hurt so much as i threw up. chris was sitting with me comforting me, which made me feel a lot safer. i heard the bathroom door open again behind us, but i didn't have enough energy to turn around to see who it was.
"what's going on?" they asked in a low voice. i couldn't tell if it was nick or matt.
"she threw up" chris replied quietly "can you go get a cold rag and a bottle of water please?"
"of course"
i heard the door shut again behind us, as chris leaned forward to flush the toilet.
"do you think it's something you ate? something your body didn't like?" chris mumbled. i shrugged, shaking.
"i don't know"
"okay, that's okay" he said, continuing to rub my back. "matt's just gone downstairs to get you some stuff. he'll be up very soon. okay sweetie?"
so the other person was matt, not nick
i nodded, as i felt his hands wipe my tears away.
"don't cry" he frowned.
the door opened again, and shut. i could see a shadow sit down on the other side of me. i was still shaking and crying so much.
"mads look at me" matt softly spoke. i shook my head, my cheeks covered in tears and my mouth was dry and i could still taste the vomit.
"maddie it's okay, we're right here with you. everything is going to be okay. can you please face me so i can wipe your mouth?"
i could feel matts hand rubbing my back too now. i took a few deep breaths then turned around to face matt. his face dropped when he saw my tear stained face.
"oh honey why are you crying?" he frowned
"i'm s-scared" i sobbed
"sweetheart you have nothing to be scared of. it's okay. nothing bad is going to happen. i know it feels horrible and it's a gross feeling but it's gonna be over soon. i promise."
i nodded, shaking, as matt brought me into his chest for a hug. i was still shaking.
"shhh, it's alright. it's alright. i gotchu"
matt scratched my head as chris rubbed my back at the same time.

i sat back up and matt wiped my mouth with the cold rag.
"lemme get those tears" chris murmured, wiping my tears again. i had calmed down a lot.
"do you wanna sleep with me in my bed tonight?" chris asked. i nodded, drinking from the water bottle. "yeah?"
"alright, let's get you layed down" matt said, as they both helped me to my feet and to chris' bed. they lay me down and tucked me under the blanket. i closed my eyes, as i could feel a cold rag placed on my forehead, cooling me down. it came off a minute later, and i could feel matt squeeze my hand and kiss my head before going back to his own room. they had placed a bucket next to me, and i looked over at the other side of the bed and chris was getting in next to me. i moved closer to him. he put an arm around me as i rested my head on his chest. i soon fell asleep from the relaxing sound of his steady heartbeat and him playing with my hair.

side note: guys i feel like i am maddie rn i got food poisoning over the weekend and it fucking sucks so i'm kind of writing from experience rn LMAOO just without the triplets obviously

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Where stories live. Discover now