CHAPTER 2 (Angels Exist)

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Jacob's Pov

Obtaining Cantia's records proved to be more complex than expected. They were as confidential as government-private documents. Though I bought the building and land for things like that, I couldn't have access to the records.

Becoming a partner was the only other way to obtain them, but doing so meant restoring the structure and losing the ability to tear it down for future development.

I may have impulsively purchased Cantia and its surrounding lands, but for the past two years, the board has been aiming to erect a few business complexes here in San Bernardino.

I attempted to discuss the records with Rose, but her strict rules about not discussing work when we were together made it impossible.

I used to admire her ambition, strong will, and determination, but those traits now irritated me as they don't help my current needs. She wants complete control over me, but that won't happen. I've played this game before and know all the tricks, but I would never let any woman control me.

The best thing about my vow was that I wouldn't have to worry about falling in love or getting stuck with just one woman, seeing as I had a wide range of preferences that extended to my taste in women.

I don't do favorites, but I enjoy certain qualities, such as being intriguing, diverse, attractive, and open-minded. Though my dating standards are strict, they are worth it in the end.

My experiences have taken me across a broad spectrum of women, from actresses and social media personalities to TV presenters, beauty pageant winners, and other celebrities. 

However, I was particular about the duration of my relationships, which ranged from one-night stands to a maximum of two to three weeks, with only a select few I let stick around for a month or two.

I found that those timeframes were sufficient for them to experience the highs and lows of a relationship and determine whether it was worth pursuing further. I preferred avoiding unnecessary drama and instead focused on enjoying my experiences to the fullest.

I don't settle for mediocrity either, but my relationship with Rose was already proving to be a bore, and we've only been together for less than three weeks.

While she perceived me as her way out of here, I viewed our relationship as a mere distraction from April's manipulative tactics of entrapment towards me.

What started as a fleeting feeling of lust and desire or thoughts that came and went had grown with time into something stronger than I had initially imagined. I often wonder if love spells existed because I couldn't get April out of my head.

It physically hurts to be away from her, and as someone who relies on logic, I didn't want to jump to any conclusions until I was sure about my suspicions. So, I tried to recall if I had ever reacted this way to anyone in the past, but I couldn't come up with any correlation.

Reminiscing about the brief moments when we had locked eyes and time seemed to freeze, giving us the chance to see each other, truly brought me comfort. My mind latched onto those moments and wouldn't let go.

She exudes a remarkable blend of delicate, sexy, and striking features. Her skin appears to have a natural glow as if touched by the warm Barstow sun, which left its glow prints on her soft flesh.

The whole room lights up whenever she smiles because her joy is infectious, and her positive energy is palpable. Her style effortlessly combines chic and contemporary.

And despite how much I call her out on being fake with her attributes, it's hard to deny that her inner beauty would've steamed from her kindness, passion, and enthusiasm for life.

A LETTER TO ROSE ('Casa De Amor')Where stories live. Discover now