CHAPTER 3 (Fateful Mistake)

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April's Pov

The season was reaching its climax, and we were at the receiving end of its furious display of disapproval. The hot summer air made the home way too warm during the day and even into the late hours of the evening.

We let the kids lie by the pond side during the day while carefully supervised, though nighttime is a nightmare because the faulty electrical system still needed to be fixed.

The reason was that the only source of cool air inside the offices and rooms was the old faulty vents that rustled during executions and relied on.

The vents are last on the list for a complete renovation, but the technicians delayed fixing them. Even though they're useless during the day, they do come in handy in the evening, keeping us cool.

Evening approached fast, and all the lights at the orphanage were turned on as usual for dinner time. Viktor hasn't apologized yet for the stunt he pulled the night of the fundraiser, which makes me sad and slightly bothered.

He deliberately avoids me these days like a plague and doesn't even hide it. But I still missed my friend. It was hard not having anyone to talk with around here. I wanted to ask him why he acted the way he did and understand him because he wasn't one to act out of character and try to hurt anyone.

I'd like to know if something else bothered him, especially since he'll soon be off to the big city to complete med school. 

Meanwhile, I've been walking on eggshells around Mr. Ortiz since the evening Rose had confided in me about his rising feelings for me. Other than the confrontation we had on the night of the fundraising, we haven't had any other uncomfortable conversations since then, and I was grateful for that.

Knowing her better than most people here, the Rose I knew who had a terrible temper would've chopped off my head. I knew she tried to compose herself and not lash out at me as best as she could.

So, I honored her request and stayed as far away from Jacob as possible. However, it wasn't easy considering that, as the investors had conditioned, he and I had to work on the home's renovation plan together.

Aside from the fact that he was a complete hunk and a real eye-catcher, it was impossible not to crush on him, especially since he was now showing signs that he didn't completely hate my guts. Okay, fine. It was more than a crush.

I often found myself trying fruitlessly to keep my gaze and hands off Rose's boyfriend, and I couldn't understand why I was struggling with that of all things. I've lost these past summer days thinking perverse thoughts about Jacob.

On more than one occasion, I get caught staring at his ripped body from the buttoned-down shirt he leaves hanging on down to the base due to the heat, showcasing his hard middle-parted chest and top abs.

With my mouth open wide, I would watch shamelessly and thirst after him whenever he drank water from his cooling flask like a gladiator fresh out of a match. God. 

I thought I would lose my mind being around him, but staying away from him drove me insane like a drug I knew was dangerous, but I couldn't find the willpower to stop taking him in.

I also wanted to keep away from him so badly for Rose's sake and my sanity, but what was sanity when I quickly lose it just by entertaining steamy fantasies of Jacob Ortiz?

I lust after him daily that I could swear I've felt his well-built, hard rock body crashing against mine, and then he pulls me into a deep, raw kiss filled with nothing short of a forbidden passion none of us knew existed.

And the way he looks at me lately gets me wet in seconds. I could almost swear he knew what he was doing to me and enjoyed it, too.

Somehow, he got in my head and was aware of my thoughts and sexual fantasies about him.

A LETTER TO ROSE ('Casa De Amor')Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα