Chapter Two: The Cabin

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Tonight, like every Wednesday, I attend a group therapy session at the local community center. The free pamphlets handed out refer to it as the Abuse Victim Awareness group. I look around the circle of chairs at the other members, each in their own various stages of therapy. Collectively, they're like a giant bruise, blotchy from healing at different rates and paces. I'm sitting next to a tall redhead named Rose. "You look good today, Stacey," Rose says with a wide smile. I self-consciously pat my suit down. "Thank you. I actually wore it for a job interview today." I reply with a smile. I can't help but recall feeling inadequate when I compared myself to Felicia, Mr. Carter's secretary. Regardless, I still feel proud of myself for landing the new job. "A job interview?" Rose asks, "That's so great! I'm not surprised, though, since you're so smart. More so than the rest of us." She says with a laugh. "Thanks, Rose. That's really sweet." I reply. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen." Jason, our therapy session leader says, sitting down in a chair, "Just a reminder, everything we share in the group is confidential. This is a safe circle. Now, does anyone have anything new to share?" Normally I don't speak much when he asks questions like this in the session. Not because I'm scared really, I just hate all their eyes on me. Nervous glances dart around the room. When no one speaks up, Rose winks at me. "Stacey had a job interview today." She announces to the group. I duck my head slightly as polite murmurs of congratulations float my way. "Yeah, I actually got the job," I add. Jason quiets everyone and smiles, "That's great news, Stacey. How does it feel to have a new job?" I shrug, "If I'm being honest, I really needed this job. After I graduated college, I always imagined having a career...but then Bryce happened." My fingers twist amongst one another as I speak, "Bryce was so adamant about me not having to work, saying I could stay with him and mom for however long I wanted. I didn't even realize how dependent I'd become on them until mom left for another speech somewhere and it was too late." Jason nods, "Having a new job must feel pretty empowering." An internal glow warms me and I nod. "It does."

"You're brave, Stacey." A man in the group says, "I'd be too afraid that my boyfriend would make a scene at my workplace. When I worked at McDonald's, my boyfriend used to come in pretending to be an irate customer. After he got his food, he'd yell at the manager to fire me for getting his order wrong." A few empathetic comments are tossed at him. "I'm not afraid of that happening. Now that my mom has passed, he has no ties to me or my brother. And with everything that happened..." He won't be bothering me again. Jason smiles and claps his hands together. "Well, congratulations, Stacey. Remember, everyone, it's possible to make it on your own. It may not be easy...but it is possible. Last week we talked about finding courage in odd places. This week, I want to continue that topic." As Jason's words fade into the background, I think about my stepdad, Bryce. In a matter of months, my strange relationship with him had consumed me and made me feel weak. All the comments about my appearance and my job that turned into cruelty and anger and...the touching. And I could never tell mom. Never. She was so happy with him, I couldn't ruin that for her. Not after everything with dad. If I'm not careful now, memories of Bryce will creep up on me like ants eating away at my soul. I need to be stronger. It's the only way I can completely forget about Bryce.

One Week Later...

    Tiny drops of rain splatter against the windows of the rental car I'm driving. I flip on the wipers as I juggle the crinkled map I purchased two hours ago. Lord, please help me get there safely. I pray. A rusted green-and-white sign answers my prayers. Welcome to Bayless, Population 372.

    A few minutes later, I pull up to Caldwell's Grocery and Supply Store. Before I can exit my car, a lanky man eating sunflower seeds comes toward me. "Howdy, ma'am. Are you lost?" He asks. I give the man a once over (mid-thirties, plaid shirt, work boots...maybe okay?) before replying, "I think this is the right place. This is Caldwell's store, right?" The man nods, "Sure is, and I should know. Been working here since I was in high school. I'm Wally, by the way. Well, my name is Walter, but people call me Wally. You can call me Wally too, if you like." The man stutters. He offers me a sheepish smile, and I can't help but smile back. "Nice to meet you, Wally. I'm Stacey. I'm here to air out the old Caldwell Cabin. My boss, Alex Carter sent me." I say, opening the car door and stepping out. "Did you say Carter?" Another voice asks. I look past Wally as a grizzly-looking man in a wheelchair comes out from the store. He shakes his head and spits, just missing the wooden porch beneath him. I take a slight step back, nervously biting my lip. "Uh...yes sir. He sent me here to air the place out a bit. His secretary told me I could purchase anything I needed here. I, uh, have a list." I add, digging around in my purse. I hold up the list I painstakingly made after discussing the current state of the cabin with Felicia. "Yeah, I was told anyone you needed would be charged to his account." The man in the wheelchair nods, "I'm Zachary Caldwell. I own this shop." I smile, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Caldwell." Wally looks down and starts scanning the list in my hand. "If you want, I can get all of your items for you while you wait out here, Stacey." Wally offers. I hand him the list, "Thanks." Wally shoves his sunflower seeds into his shirt pocket and winks, "I'll be back in a jiffy, miss." Jiffy? Where exactly am I?

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