Chapter Five: Face to Face

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My fingers graze over the discolored skin of my neck as it settles into a bruise. "That's not was only a dream. I know it was...there's no way." I say quietly. Memories gush forward of Bryce...always hurting, choking, forceful when it came to the sex. He would purposefully leave hickeys when he knew I would see my mother the next day...just another way to control me.

    "No Bryce! I told you, I'm done with this shit!" I yell. "Don't talk to me like that, young lady. What? Did you stop loving your stepdad all of a sudden?" He demands. "Of course I did." I spit. "You better watch your mouth." He says, voice becoming dangerous. "This is not, has NEVER been okay, and it ends now." I try to say firmly, but my voice shakes. "No. You want to meet other men? Is that it? Leave me and your mother? You think I'll let you go?" He takes a dangerous step forward and–

    I clutch my wrist to keep my hands from shaking and take several deep breaths. Stop it. He can't hurt you anymore. No one can hurt you. No one. There's no one else in the cabin except me and Alex. I would never have imagined him as the type to try and attack me in my sleep, but I know first-hand...disturbed people come in all shapes and sizes. Anger boils as I think of Alex Carter, pretending to be concerned when I had woken. He could've just been afraid of getting caught... "Pervert!" I slam my fist down into the mattress. Pulling on my robe, I slam the door open and storm towards his bedroom, my footsteps pounding against the wooden floorboards. I don't bother knocking– I don't feel the need, not after he took the same vile liberties. My unexpected entry catches him off guard as he stands looking out the window. He mumbles something before remembering exactly where he is. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He demands, whirling around to me. A moment of panic wells up in me. What if I'm wrong about this? I squash down the doubt, remembering it's only the two of us in the cabin. "What the hell am I doing here?" I yell, "What the hell were you doing in my room?" His brows pinch together. "Are you sleepwalking right now?" He asks. "You monster!" I yell. Alex straightens before me and shouts, "I don't care if you are sleepwalking! Get out of my room this instant!" I shake my head. "I'm not sleepwalking! I'm here because you just came into my room without my permission!" I take an intimidating step forward when I realize it's only me and Alex in the room. I have nothing to protect myself. "Of course I was just in your room!" Alex exclaims, "You were screaming like a madwoman! Was I supposed to ignore you?" He sighs in frustration, muttering something about hiring a charity case. "What did you call me?" I demand, "A charity case? You think you can get away with assaulting a 'charity case'?" I laugh, "Is that why you think you can take advantage of me? Because no one will believe me against the all powerful Alex Carter?" Alex slowly massages his temples. "This isn't happening right now. This isn't happening." I roll my eyes. "I'm not some woman that cried wolf the first time. What did you think would happen if you came on to me in my sleep?" I demand, "That I'd forget about it? That I'd just stay quiet and be grateful to have this job?" Alex stops and points at the door, his voice low. "Get out." I shake my head, crossing my arms. "No! Not until you admit what you did was wrong and apologize." Alex nods, "You're right." He stares at me, his mouth a grim line. "I was wrong. I was wrong to hire you, a total psychopath. Believe me when I say I am deeply regretful of my decision." My mouth hangs open in shock. "What did you say?" I demand. "Do you have hearing problems in addition to mental problems?" Alex walks over to his bed and sits down on the edge. "I hired you as a personal assistant. Nothing more. Nothing less. You storm in here, in the middle of the night, accusing me of...what exactly?" He laughs, "Attacking you in your sleep?"

    "Yeah, I think 'attack' is an appropriate word to describe you holding me down and leaving hickeys on my neck while I'm asleep!" I yell, "Or do you have a better word for it?" Alex rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I do. Delusional." You've got to be fucking kidding me. "You're the one who's delusional if you think I'm going to pretend this didn't happen and just go back to sleep." I reply. "Okay, we're done here." Alex sighs, "I only hired you as a favor to my mother and her philanthropic ways, but this is asking too much." He stands up, "I'm a businessman, not a psychiatrist. I can't help you with whatever crazy episode you're struggling through right now. First thing in the morning, I expect you to pack your bags and get out of my sight. Consider yourself fired." I feel my nails drawing blood from the palms of my hands. "Fired? Do you actually think I'd want to work with someone like you? I know all about you. You're garbage!" I clearly hit a nerve with Alex, who immediately charges toward me. Before I can react, Alex pushes me up against the wall. "Don't you ever call me garbage again, do you understand?" He asks, voice dangerous as he stares into my eyes, holding my arms at my sides. I struggle to get out of his grip. His hold doesn't hurt me, but it's intensely uncomfortable and...too familiar. "Let me go!" I scream. "Let me say this one more time." Alex says, "I didn't attack you. The only time I stepped inside your room was when you were screaming bloody murder. If I could've ignored it, I would have." I shake my head defiantly. "If you didn't attack me, then how did I get this hickey on my neck?" I demand. "I don't know." Alex sighs, "Maybe you gave it to yourself."
"How could I?" I demand. Head's don't work that way, stupid. "I didn't know. Did you plan this?" He demands, "Mark yourself up so you can barge in here, hoping I'd pay you to keep your mouth shut?" Alex loosens his hold and steps back. "I have more money and more lawyers at my disposal than you can imagine. You really are crazy." He says, shaking his head. "Stop calling me that." I demand. "Why not?" Alex asks, "It's the truth, isn't it?" He leans forward and smirks, "You've even been to the loony bin, haven't you?" I want to crawl back into the wall. All of the anger and bravery I had storming into Alex's room has dissipated, leaving a cloud of shame and surprise. "What did you say?" I ask quietly. "Oh, come on. You didn't think I'd hire a personal assistant without knowing every single detail about them, did you?" He laughs. "Then...then you know about–" Alex nods, "Your childhood and high school friends? Bryce Cruise? Oh, I know all about them. I know every one of your secrets, Stacey Green." My breath catches. "Then you know–" Alex leans forward, his hand against the wall above my shoulder. "How you killed him? I know all about that too."

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