Chapter Seven: Intruders

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I'm still curious why Alex needs to know what happened the night of the murder, but for now, I'll have to accept not knowing. I'm lucky he hired me back at all after I accused him of coming onto me in my sleep. Right now, I just need to do what was asked and find what he wants from the shed. "Picture albums...picture albums...where are the picture albums?" I wonder aloud. I poke at the different boxes throughout the shed, items list in hand. So far, I've gathered a few family photos and a practically empty diary. I pull at a box on the top shelf, causing it to fall forward. "Crap! Crap! Crap!" I shriek as the contents hit me on their way down. Well, at least I found the photo albums. I groan as I gather the scattered photos. Slowly, I stand, hands full, when I hear a low growl behind me. I freeze, trying my best to remain calm. The growling grows louder and louder– almost ferocious. "Puppy?" I call out softly, hoping a soothing voice might calm it down. "Here, puppy...puppy." I gump down a knot of fear. Who am I kidding? This thing sounds like a monster, not a puppy... I take a small step forward when one growl suddenly becomes two. A desperate whimper escapes my lips as I struggle to keep it together. If only I had my purse. I could kick these things asses with that. A bitter feeling swallows my heart as I remember those nights, back in highschool. The growling only gets closer and closer. I take a tentative step, clicking my pen out to use as a last-minute weapon. Suddenly– something massive knocks me to the ground. I scream in agony as the hound's dagger-like teeth sink into my legs. "She's here!" A woman's voie calls out. A flash of light blinds me. "Stop! I'll call the police if you hurt Miss Stacey!" Someone yells. "Wally?" I yell. I open my eyes to find myself alone. No dogs. Only three confused people now standing above me. "Are you all right, Miss Stacey?" Wally gasps. He extends a hand to help me up. "I-I'm fine." I gasp and warily take a look around. "Did they leave?" I ask. "Did who leave?" Wally asks. Another flash of light pops in front of me. "What are you doing?" I demand. "I'm Jenny Blake and this is my partner Cletus Jones. We're reporters for StarSight. You've probably heard of us." The young woman says cheerfully. I shake my head, "No, I'm sorry." Jenny lets out an exaggerated sigh, leting me know her displeasure in my response. I look down at my torn jeans. "I think we need to call animal control or something. I-I just got attacked by some wild dogs." I state. Will I need a rabies shot? I wipe the tears from my eyes when the camera flashes again. "Hey!" I yell, "Cut it out! I don't care what sleazy online rag you work for, this is private property." Jenny's eyes narrow. "Online rag?" She gasps and takes a step back. "Miss Stacey, let me help you up." Wally says, "I didn't see any wild dogs here." I motion down to my jeans. "Then what tore up my pants Wally? My imagination?" I groan as I carefully stand up, my legs shaking beneath me. "I'm sorry to upset you, Miss Stacey." Wally sighs. I groan, "No, Wally...I shouldn't take out my anger on you. I'm sorry, truly, but those dogs–" Cletus shakes his head, "There were no dogs."

    "Online rag?" Jenny mutters, repeating it to herself over and over. "See?" Cletus shows me the photo of me on the ground. My arms are covering my face and my legs are slightly bent, but there are no dogs. "Thought it was strange." He says, "Figured you might be on drugs or something." I roll my eyes. "Of course I'm not on drugs. There were– I could have sworn there were two dogs. I felt them. I don't understand." Cletus shakes his head, "Neither do I, miss." I rub my temples. "What are you three doing here anyway?" I ask. "Online rag?" Jenny mutters and turns a pair of stormy blue eyes on me, "I'll have you know that StarSight is not some 'online rag' as you so rudely put it. We report the truth!" Cletus nods, "Right." I cross my arms, "So what are you doing here?" Jenny smiles mischeviously. "We have it on good authority that Alex Carter is staying in this cabin...with a woman." She wiggles her eyebrows. "Of course he is." Wally says, "But what does that have to do with you two?" Jenny shoots her co-worker a look. "Alex Carter has never been tied down to any one woman." Jenny says, "America wants to know if one of its top bachelors is off the market." She looks up at me, shaing her head in disapproval, "I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised by his taste."
"What is that supposed to mean?" I demand. "Well, guess we can cross off your brains along with your looks." Jenny says sweetly. "I'm calling the cops." I stomp away from the pair of reporters, Wally on my heels. "Fine, we'll leave!" Jenny yells, "But we have your picture! The story runs!" I shake my head and call back, "I'm his assistant, not his girlfriend! The women of the world have nothing to fear when it comes to me and Alex Carter." I feel as though I could shatter into a million pieces. "I don't believe you." Jenny yells back. I stop in my tracks and whirl back around. "Run the story!" I yell, "I don't care, but Mr. Carter will, and I pity those who upset him. You've heard the rumors, right? He's merciless." I watch Jenny waver a bit before Cletus nudges her to answer. "Fine." Jenny yells, "I'll wait until I have my facts straight. But know this...I'll have my eyes on you two." She shoves at Cletus and the two walk away.

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