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She recalled the night at the palace when she had overheard those two people talking about the Shadow Lord, wanting to bring harm upon him. Although she had not been able to get a proper look at who those people were, the brief glimpse of red from one of their garments suggested that he was from the Hua contingent.

As her thoughts drifted towards this, her gaze also flickered towards Zhenghuan, just in time to catch the turning of his head. When their eyes met, Zi-ning quickly averted her gaze, scrambling to her feet.

"Miss, are you alright?" Hana asked, having almost been bowled over by her young mistress's sudden movement.

"Zi-ning?" Zhenzhu, too, was looking at her quizzically.

"I, I just need to use the latrine. I'll be back soon." When she saw Hana turning to follow behind her, she held her hand out and said, "No, you stay. I'll have one of the palace servants escort me. You don't know the way around this place anyway."

When she had been led out of the great hall, Zi-ning felt the tension in her shoulders ease a little. What's wrong with me? Why am I so rattled by that man? she chided herself. Even if he gets assassinated by the envoys from Hua, that's none of my concern. She kept trying to convince herself of this as she wound her way down the palace corridors, when suddenly a flaming burst of red appeared in front of her, cutting off her path.

She looked up in alarm to find herself staring at the crown prince of Hua, who had a mischievous grin across his face.

"Your Highness." She dropped to a curtsey, as did the palace lady who had been guiding her.

"Leave us," Prince Zhiren ordered the servant sternly, and the latter obediently moved away, disappearing round a corner.

Zi-ning silently cursed the girl for having been so ready to leave her alone with this man, and her immediate instincts were to look around for a way to escape from him. The prince suddenly took two steps forward, and Zi-ning quickly stepped back, finding herself backed against a large pillar.

"What can I help you with, Your Highness?" Zi-ning said, looking everywhere but at him.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Of course. You are the crown prince and future king of Hua, with thousands of men under your command and with the ability to end someone's life at the snap of your fingers. Why would I not be afraid?"

"But you were not afraid enough to walk away from me back at the jewellery shop. Is it because you think the Shadow Lord can protect you? Do you think he is more powerful than I am?"

Zi-ning could feel the prince's warm breath against her cheeks, and she turned her head sideways so that she wouldn't have to stare at the man in such close proximity. Her heart was pounding in her chest, fearful of what he would do to her if she didn't get out of this situation soon.

"Answer my question," the prince said, taking hold of her chin between his fingers and forcefully turning her head so she was facing him once more. "Do you think the Shadow Lord is more powerful than I am?"

"You are the crown prince of an entire kingdom and the Shadow Lord is but a general, Your Highness," Zi-ning replied indirectly. "Please, let me go."

"I will let you go when I want to. You know what I especially dislike, Zi-ning? I dislike it when people lie to me, just like the way you are lying to me now."

"I am not lying, Your Highness."

Prince Zhiren tilted her face upwards to face him, his lips tilting upwards in a cruel smile. "I can tell when someone doesn't mean what they say, from the look in their eyes. Your words suggest that my power and influence is beyond the Shadow Lord's, but your eyes say otherwise. Do you think your Shadow Lord can save you if I were to walk into the great hall right now and tell the king that I've chosen you, Han Zi-ning, as the woman I wish to make my consort?"

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