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News about the phoenix prophecy that Meiyan received at Ryoko Temple spread across the capital like wildfire. Within a week, everyone was talking about how Han Meiyan was destined to be a queen, and that whoever married her would become king. Zi-ning had little doubt that her sister had a hand in fanning these rumours, in order to push her marriage prospects in the direction that she was hoping.

Ever since they returned from the temple, Meiyan had received invitations from both the queen and Consort Song to come to tea in the palace, and the latter had come home laden with gifts of jewellery, expensive fabric and snacks courtesy of the palace kitchens after. Needless to say, Meiyan had been on cloud nine. Gone was the fear and shame of losing her mother, replaced by brimming confidence and hubris.

Confidence built upon a lie.

Zi-ning didn't care. She was happy to allow Meiyan to have her moment of glory.

"Miss! Miss!" Shujin came running into the room, her face flushed with excitement. "You must come to the front hall immediately!"

"What's the matter?" Zi-ning asked, looking up from her calligraphy.

Shujin pointed towards the front of the manor. "The betrothal gifts! They're being brought in right now. There are so many boxes, so many!" she exclaimed.

Zi-ning blinked, confused by what her maidservant was saying. "What betrothal gifts?" she asked. "For Han Meiyan?"

Shujin shook her head. "They're for you, Miss!" she replied.

"Me?" Zi-ning frowned. Could it be that the crown prince was still

Still unsure about what was going on, Zi-ning followed Shujin to the front hall, where sure enough, there were dozens of boxes bearing all manner of gifts stacked upon the floor. There was even an intricate silver cage bearing two wild geese, flapping their wings with vitality. Sitting at the front of the hall, chatting with Old Madam Song and Minister Han over a cup of tea, was none other than her mentor, Lady Li.

"My Lady," Zi-ning greeted, unable to disguise her surprise. "What brings you here? Should you not be at Shandu?"

"Someone insisted that I hurry back," Lady Li replied with a sideways glance.

It was then that Zi-ning realised Zhenghuan was seated beside Lady Li. All at once, it struck her what this was about. Lady Li was here on Zhenghuan's behalf, to formally seek her hand in marriage.

She exchanged a glance with Zhenghuan, and her face immediately went bright red. She had known that this was coming, but when it actually happened, she was still caught unawares. Perhaps a part of her had believed that Zhenghuan had only been speaking in jest, that he did not actually intend to marry her. After all, what use was a girl like her to someone like him? Or perhaps she had finally met someone who did not seek to use her like a tool?

Zi-ning took another look around the hall. The countless boxes that filled the room spoke volumes of the importance with which the Shadow Lord viewed this engagement. It was a betrothal fit for a princess, and even more.

"Since Zi-ning is here, then I shall announce the royal edict," Lady Li declared, getting up on her feet. Her lady-in-waiting handed her the golden scroll, which she promptly unfurled. "Zi-ning, kneel to receive the decree."

Zi-ning went on her knees.

"By decree of King Shunde, Han Zi-ning, Princess of the third rank and daughter of Han Hao, Minister for Agriculture, has demonstrated exceptional intelligence, courage and grace, and is a role model to all young ladies across the kingdom. I hereby decree her hand in marriage to Du Zhenghuan, the Lord of Shengzhou, as principal wife, with all my blessings," Lady Li recited. Smiling, she rolled the scroll back up, placing it in Zi-ning's hands. "Congratulations, Zi-ning. May the both of you be blessed with everlasting happiness." She gently helped Zi-ning back up to her feet, then gestured for the girl to take a seat. "Come, there is still much we need to discuss. A wedding is an important affair, and we must ensure that every single detail is attended to."

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