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XXXII: something forgotten (Part I)

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Ch. 32: Something Forgotten (Part One) 

July 31st, 1974. Sixteen flesh years ago. South American undimensional grid #LC1924.

The SA Sents HQ

The memories came back in waves, like reality settling in after a nightmare.

"When the Kerana Tree calls, young adventurers from all over South America, like you, have the opportunity to find The Path," said a voice.

Memories rushed in.

Mara remembered staring at the portal above the Saint Lucrécia Lake, crossing the fog, meeting Granny, being protected by a younger version of Tai, and then joining forces with them to stop Granny from fooling Mimi, Godo, and Bernardo.

Together, the five kids took the elevator and marveled at the massive patio and the gigantic tree at the heart of it. Mara was only twelve, so the place seemed even bigger.

The memory cleared, and new details appeared in the fog of Mara's mind. The man on the stage was Director Jano. His lean face was covered in sweat, his blond hair gelled back, and his cheeks were as red as his proud, watered eyes.

"Many adventurers found the Path before you, and many more will find it after you—but all of them arrive in groups of five," he continued. "And if the group decides to work together for a better world," Jano outstretched his arms, "they'll start their training to become Sentinels."

The kids around Mara exchanged a half-excited, half-scared look. She...remembered why. Jano had been very clear about how dangerous this "adventure" would be; he had spent so much time listing and detailing those dangers that the kids on the other squad were already fidgeting. Their big and scared eyes jumped around as if one of those monsters would pounce out of the shadows and eat them.

Mara was like that too.

"From this moment forth, your fellow Sentinels are more than family. They are your sisters and brothers and siblings in arms, and they'll give their lives for you because you'll give your lives for them."

At Mara's left, a tall boy from the other squad shifted in his seat. His eyes met Mara's, and she just knew he was going to give up.

"We are friends. We are family," Jano continued. "And we are the keepers of the peace between Flesh and Beyond-flesh. Together we fight because together, we were chosen to protect." He folded the sheet of paper in his hands and looked at each child in turn. "Thank you for finding The Path."

Jano smiled and waved, this time not as austere as a moment ago. He looked too young for his thirty-nine years and the padded mustard suit he wore; Dad was thirty-nine too, and he looked much older than Jano. The kindness in their eyes seemed to be about the same, though.

That detail calmed Mara's heart. Still, everything else was scary; the idea of fighting monsters, of moving out of her house, of not having Dad around anymore, of having to make new friends, and hoping they wouldn't turn against her.

A woman climbed up the stairs to the stage, and Mara's muscles tensed. She sat straight and tried to control the grin threatening to rip her face in half.

Mom. She looked a lot different than the last time Mara had seen her, almost seven months ago.

"Thank you, Director Jano. That was very inspiring. Wasn't it, children?"

The two squads let out a timid yes. They sat side by side in the first row of chairs lined in the center of the patio, right before the stage and under what Tai had called their Kerana tree.

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