Chapter 2 - The Airport

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We arrived at the Airport and it was dead! Well I wouldn't blame people for not being at an Airport at 4 in the morning. We had already checked our luggage and stuff so we were just waiting on the plane boarding.

"Flights boarding to San Jose, California please make your way to Gate 27 "

"Okay let's go" my mum said excitedly

When we got on the plane I decided to take the window seat so I could see all the different places. The way the plane was set up was two seated rows on the left, three seated rows in the middle and two seated rows on the right. I was sitting on the left side beside Lexi why am I always stuck with her!

The flight is supposed to be 9 hours so that means 4 and a half hours of listening to music/sleeping and then 4 and 4 and a half hours of watching YouTubers. I look at my phone to check the time and it's now 5:00am I just can't wait to get to San Jose. I put my phone on Airplane mode so my phone wouldn't interfere with anything and start blasting King For A Day by Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn. I totally ship Kellic!!!

4 Hours Later

I woke up to the blazing sun beaming in my eyes, I take out my earphones and try to move but I feel something heavy and wet on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Lexi lying on me with drool all down her face and on my shoulder. YUCK!

"Lexi wake up!" I said annoyed

I budged my arm so she would get up, she finally lifts her head and just looks at me blankly.

"What?! Why would you wake me up seriously! I'm going to get you back!" She said right in my face

"Well for one you were drooling on me and you really don't realise how heavy your head is, I can't feel my shoulder its numb. Why would you need to get back at me I've done nothing wrong"

"Clearly because you woke me up from my amazing dream, you spoil everything" Lexi said turning to face the other way

"Whatever I'm not even going to argue with you"

I grab some spare tissues I had in my bag and wiped the drool from my shoulder, how a person could drool that much I will never know.

5 Hours Later

I had just brought out my laptop and started watching My Digital Escape for the rest of the flight. I don't think I've laughed so much in my life, all the MDE crew always put a smile on my face. People on the flight must have thought I was insane because my laugh is just ridiculous and they think I'm just laughing randomly but I'm not.

We had finally landed in San Jose, the flight was okay except from the crying baby who sat behind me, then the baby and its mum switched with its gran who kept kicking my seat. Also when Lexi drooled on me, apart from all that it was an okay flight.

We pick up our luggage and head out the airport, the sun is scorching as it beats down on my skin. This is why I like to travel to new places because we never get this kind of weather but if we did I probably still wouldn't go out. My life is on the Internet or in front of my laptop watching Supernatural or on YouTube.

The taxi finally picks us up and takes us to our hotel...

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