Chapter 16 - First YouTube Video

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Johnnie and Bryan had set up the lights and camera and stuff and showed me how to properly do it. I still had no idea what to say, I'm really nervous!

"Okay so that's everything set up, you just need to make the video and we'll show you how to edit it. Sound good?" Johnnie says

"Yeah sounds great!"

"Actually... I know I said I would help out and stuff but Damon just texted me saying when am I going to meet him. I told him I would yesterday because we would discuss Warped and everything. Sorry but I need to leave like right now but I should be back soon hopefully" Bryan gets up grabs his keys and heads to the door

"Good luck Lily you'll do good, see yous later" and he left

"Guess it's just me and you, Okay lets do this!" He goes behind the camera about to press record

"Wait... I'm not ready... I don't know what to say I'll just muck things up" I put my hands over my face

"Lily stop you'll be fine, just tell them about yourself" he says coming over and taking my hands away from my face

"I'm just so nervous... wait why don't you come in it with me and I won't be as nervous" I say giving him the puppy dog eyes

"Are you sure because it's your channel and I don't want to take over or anything?"

"No you wouldn't be please I would love it if you did" I say with the biggest smile ever

"Okay okay I'll do it with you. Just so it's not on for like 2 minutes with you just talking about yourself why don't we also do a Q&A and I'll ask my ThugPugs on Twitter to send us some in"

"Yeah that would be awesome!"

'@JohnnieGuilbert: Hey ThugPugs!!! I'm doing a Q&A with this little shit @MissLilyWright on her channel she's an awesome up incoming YouTuber >.< So tweet us some questions :D also follow her on Twitter because she loves Supernatural ^_^'

"Just tweeted and you'll probably get more followers too since I'm an awesome person" he says squashing my checks together so I make this weird pouting face

"Thank you, you're too cute" I say laughing

"You're very welcome" he says in a baby voice

We both just kinda stopped and it was silent until we just burst out laughing. It wasn't even that funny we both just hit the giggle I guess. We ended up waiting a while for people to put in questions and ended up ordering Pizza. It was like the best pizza ever!

"Wow we got a lot of questions and I've got over 1,000 followers now what the heck!"

"Told you soooooooo let's choose some and get started" he sticks his tongue out

"I will bite that tongue Johnnie Guilbert I swear" I laugh

We picked a few questions and got ready to start. I'm so nervous, I think you could probably tell with my face how nervous I am. Just then Johnnie holds my hand and smiles at me, we both just look into each other's eyes for while. Are we having a moment? But those ocean blue eyes gets me every time. All of a sudden I don't feel nervous anymore, knowing that I've got the best person in the world right by my side. I'm ready to do this now, Johnnie hits record.

"Hey guys my name is Lily Wright and this is my first YouTube video ever! So please excuse if it is a bit crappy. Sitting on my right is a person I have never seen before in my life"

"Thanks I have feelings you know" Johnnie fake cries

"Aww poor baby Guilbert" I hug him

"Nah but for real we have the amazing Johnnie Guilbert who has been kindly letting me stay with him and Bryan for nearly 3 months now because they are awesome guys! So today we are going to do a Q&A which you have gave us from Twitter but first I'm going to tell you a bit about myself, how fun! So as you know my name is Lily Wright I'm 17 and I'm originally from the UK, I came to California for a holiday and I met Johnnie, Bryan and Leda who I have became so unbelievably close to! They mean the world to me!"

"You mean the world to us too Bambi" he hugs me

"Yeah there is a reason why he calls me Bambi, you want to tell them" I laugh

"Yeah it was too funny, it was me, Lily, Bryan, Leda and Robby we all went Ice Skating since Lily has never been. I swear to yous it was the funniest thing ever it was quite obvious she'd never been, she kept falling over. But luckily I held her all the way through it because I'm a kind generous guy like that"

"Don't lie Johnnie you are clearly a fuckboy" I laugh

"Did you just call me a fuckboy?!" Johnnie grabs the couch pillow and hits me with it... repeatedly

"Johnnie......stop....." I laugh trying to stop him

"Say your sorry and I'm not a fuckboy"

"I'm.... sorry... and your not.... a.... fuckboy" he then stops hitting me with the pillow

"You know better Bambi" we laugh

"Okay so now to the Q&A"

"Okay so first question: What is your favourite food?"

"It has to be pizza for me what about you Johnnie?"

"Yeah probably the same, like we love our pizza"

"Second question Lily this is for you: Have you ever dated anyone? that's a good question"

"Em I'm so embarrassed I've never dated anyone, I think I'm just waiting for the right person" I smile

"Don't be embarrassed there's nothing to be embarrassed about we are all waiting for that right person"

"Okay next question: I don't know how close yous are but would yous ever date? Johnnie would you like to answer first"

"Duh I wouldn't date her she likes bands, Youtubers, Supernatural, Anime, she funny and she freaking gorgeous of course I wouldn't date her like no way!"

"Yeah I totally agree we just don't like the same things were completely different people, it just wouldn't work right?" I turn around and I notice Johnnie just staring at me

"What?" I say blushing, he puts one hand in my face an starts rubbing my check

"You know I love it when you do that so what do you want?" I laugh

"I want... I want..." before he could say anything else I just kissed him, it was so passionate and he didn't stop he must have also wanted the same. I tug at his lip rings and he bites my lip. I love him so much but he's right there is no point in having a relationship it just wouldn't work.

"Stop...." I say

"What? Why?" He looks confused

"Em...we are still recording" I say trying to find an excuse

"We can just edit it out, I'm guessing we're not going to continue?" He smiles

"No I've ruined the moment I'm sorry but we do have to finish this anyway"

"Oh yeah your'e probably right..." he looks disappointed. I want him but I know I can't have him so that's why I don't want to go further.

We finished the video and Johnnie shows me how to edit it and add sound effects and stuff. I had loads of fun today I really did enjoy it. I just wish I didn't stop the kiss between us but I know if I get anymore closer than I already am I will be even more upset than I'm going to be when I have to leave after Warped Tour. That's what he doesn't get I'm going to miss everyone so much but especially him because I'm in love with him, I'm in Love with Johnnie Guilbert.

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