Chapter 22 - Done.

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"Is that Alex? It is. Why is she carrying her suitcase and stuff? Actually where is Alex?" I question

"I don't know but let's just watch and find out" Jordan says basically telling me to be quiet

"There is Kyle and Lily now. What she's leaving?!" I'm shocked she actually left without saying goodbye

"You mean she's left she probably all ready gone by now" Jordan says

"Yeah you're right I'll phone her later to make sure she's okay and she can explain everything" I say

"Did Kyle just hit on Lily?" Jordan says looking confused

I don't want to admit it but he kinda did maybe he was just playing around with her and teasing her.

"They're probably just messing around I wouldn't call it flirting or anything" I say trying to back them up


"Oh my fucking God!"

Did this really happen what the hell are we watching! I don't get it why kiss Kyle and then say all that stuff to Johnnie? She cheated on him! After everything we done for her but mostly him!

"Omg tops are now off! Turn it off Bryan we can't watch this" Jordan covers his eyes

"No we have to watch it to make sure they never did anything, we need to for Johnnie" I say

"Omg he's not getting off of her she clearly wants him off! What the heck Kyle?" Jordan sounded annoyed

"Wow what happened where's the rest? It should have recorded more, it was still recording when we got back"

The camera then jumps to when I pick it up and stop it. I don't know what happened to the rest of the video but Kyle wasn't here when we got back so what did Lily do?

"What do we do now Bryan?" Jordan asks

"Johnnie is my best friend and I hate to see him be hurt after he seemed so happy when he left. It's quite obvious Lily makes him happy but I think the right thing to do is tell him"

"I feel so bad for Johnnie right now epically with one of his closest friends.... You can tell him" Jordan says sitting on the couch in front of me

"Wait... Jordan... Why can't we both tell him?" I ask

"Bryan I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Don't play dumb with me Jordan! We both clearly saw the video"

"Video? What video?" He says still playing dumb

"Okay fine I'll tell him myself but you're atleast going to be there! Everyone is"


"I loved that walk it was so peaceful but I think we should go back now I'm starving I've had nothing to eat since... Well I can't remember but I'm starving anyway" I say laughing

"Okay let's go back and I'll get you something to eat" he smiles and holds me hand

"Actually Kyle went to go get food for the two of us he's probably already back at the tour bus ages ago" I laugh trying to forget what happened between us

"Okay... Wait isn't that Kyle there?" Johnnie points over to Kyle who is holding a pizza box

"KYLE!" He shouts over and he notices us and we walk over to him still holding hands... How awkward

How I fell in love with Johnnie Guilbert (a Johnnie Guilbert FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now