How can you love me

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                       my first story. im not sure if its good or not.

        "You fuc**** bit**!" My step-father screamed at me. I flinched. That means my mother went to work.My step-father doesn't work. He makes my mom work. While she's gone he abuses me. Once and a while he'll rape me. "Where the fuc* are you?!"

        "I'm in here." I said loudly. If I didn't answer him he would make the pain worse. When my mom asks about my bruises he says I got it from a fight or fell. I saw his face at my door. He was smiling evilly. I glared at him. He stopped smiling and slapped me with the back of his hand. I looked at him but didn't look at him. He stepped towards me and kissed my neck. I wiped it off and stepped back. He hit me agasin but harder and I fell to the floor. He ripped off my clothes and then took off his. I screamed.

        "Stop! Please! Not this again!" But it didn't affect him. I felt him kiss my neck as he entered me. I kept screaming. When he was done he got up and started kicking me. I didn't scream when he kicked me. I just layed there crying. When he left I carefully got up and walked to my bathroom. I looked into my mirror. My short, pale, slim body was covered in bruises. My stomach was the worse. It was black and blue. I moved my long black hair out of the way so I could look at my ribs. They were pretty bad. My face had bruise handprints on it. My grey eyes moved around. I turned on the shower and carefully got in. I washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo and conditioner. Then I washed my body with lavender body wash. I washed my bruises carefully. Barely touching them. When I was done I wrapped a big white towel around me. Time to go to school. I dried myself off. I walked to my wardrobe. I wored grey skinny jeans that weren't that tight, blue shirt, a black blazer, and my blue converses. Before my dad could change his mind about me going to school I picked up my black and pink messenger bag and my keys. I ran lightly outside. I used to love running. I walked into the garage and got onto my motocyle. It was blue and black. I put my helmet over my head and headed towards the school. No one looked at me when I arrived. They were too busy looking at a nice car that just got there before me. I saw my old best friends staring at me. Last year when my step- father started abusing me I stopped hanging out with people. I hardly ever talk to anyone. I parked my bike and headed to English. I was the first one there so I sat in the back. Mrs. Johnson didn't even look up. After a few minutes the bell rang and students started filing in. No one sat by me. So I had four seats around me that were empty. No where else was empty. I started drawing on my notebook to pass the time. Just as Mrs. Johnson begin the lesson a knock came from the door. I didn't care who it was. I heard all the girls in my class gasp. I decided to look up and their was three hot guys and one beautiful girl standing there. The girl stepped forward.

      "Hi. I'm Emma. This is Cadion, Shane, and Luke." She said. Her voice was high-pitched like all the other girls in my class. Mrs. Johnson smiled at them.

      "Why don't you take a seat around Emilee. She can show you around too." She said. I stared at her in disbelief. She knew I hardly talked. Everyone did. All the girls were giving me jealous looks. I shrugged. Emma sat beside me. Cadion sat behind me. Shane in front and Luke on the other side. Emma smiled at me. I just turned away from her. Her smile faltered. I could feel someone staring at me and I looked around and found Cadion staring at me. When he saw I was looking he looked away. As soon as the bell rang I shot out of my chair. I shouldn't have done that. To keep myself from falling I hanged on to a desk edge. I gingerly touched my stomach. It hurts worse then it did this morning.

      "Are you okay?" I heard. I looked  up and it was Emma. Her and the others all had concern written on their faces.

       "I'm alright." I said gasping in pain.

       "No your not." Emma said. She touched my hand that was holding my stomach. Thats all it took for me to pass out.

        plz tell me if its good or i should stop writing it.

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