The Harp

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So it is true he thought, it is really true.

Archie thought back to how all of this happened he had see it in the girls eye's. The eye's of the damned. He had caused it, he had lost her and now she had lost he r way. She had forgotten him. She was only three years when he lost her. Now he was given the chance the help her but it seems as he had just pushed her in deep, deeper into the grey area. A foggy deserted area where no one can pull themselves back from, just like me.

It cannot happen. Not when I know the truth not when she is the one. She is mine of course. She needs to learn the facts. I had found her after so long, she has a part of me and she will always be mine. Years of searching for the parts of myself that were lost. I have found the missing parts of myself that I had created. I will not lost her again. I will show her the truth. I will put all the missing parts back together. I will not let her fade away from me again.

I have met with the boy's ancestors and have already convinced them to help me get back what I have lost. Ancestors are always ready to bring out the truth and cause a little bit of mayhem in the lives of all the affected parties so let the fun begin. Let Archie Smith tell you the truth about Karin Abrahams. It is a story I have been dying to tell. I also have the mystery of it all. So I am going to tell you the big deal. It is about damn time that I introduced myself probably. Fuad Smith.

My name is Fuad Smith. I was illegally married to Wasiellah Abrahams. When she was in the middle of divorcing her husband Liam Le Rouw. I married her. She found Islam four months before I had met her. She had been a convert for only so long but her iman was as strong willed as a bull. Her family were not doing well with the news of her sudden change of religion. They were raised Roman Catholic. The change was too big for her husband to handle. As you can imagine a decision like that changed there way of living.

She and her husband separated because of how their eating habits had changed mainly amongst other issues. Time keeping also played a big role in the whole deal. We married nearly a year after I had met her. Muslim marriages being illegal in this country it did not matter whether she was still married or not. Never the less she was still mine. She was my wife and I have loved her all my life. She was Muslim and she was mine. Wasiellah Abrahams born Kathryn Abrahams was mine. I helped her through her last breaths in the hospital room.

Our two year old daughter on my hips. Helping her through the kalimah. Our daughter still so young. I went weeks after her. I was poisoned. That is my truth. But that is the truth that needs to be revealed soon. We are there to show you her truth. Karin's truth the one see refuses to see. The one I will show you in due time. Before you see Karin's truth I will have to tell you a story, more specifically my story. The story behind the painting of Archie Smith, the melting man. How I came into the picture.

This is not a love story. This is not a tragedy. This is a little something called life. It happens to all of us, you just have to live with it, and if you do not you will end up like me. So come with me and I will show you something, something that stains the purple and grey background of my painting. You need not worry. I am forbidden to harm you. Any harm that comes to you is only what you have done to yourself. Let me tell you my story the story within the truthful painted strokes.

I had lost my wife. I had a two year old Karima to look after. My parents long gone in the first stages of the drought and flood seasons. Leaving me in the most capable hand of the most compassionate Allah. I had very little but my faith was what held me through it all. My faith had brought me my soulmate Wasiellah. My faith had given me all the strength I had asked for yet I had turned blind to all that I had been given. I had turned deaf to the cries of the blessings in my ears.

I had turned dumb that I could not understand what was best for me. What Allah had put out for me. I had became deaf, dumb and blind, so of course I was lost. Damned I never would find my way back and it is too late now. It is too late for Fuad Smith, the melting man. I could not see the truth. I could not accept my truth. But come with me and I will show you her's and maybe by seeing her truth you might be able to gain the courage to see you very own truth.

The last breath of my wife was the longest I held my breath for. It was the most unbearable thing to witness but what comes after that breath is always worse. Living. Living is the hardest after seeing the last kalimah leaving the mouth of someone a part of you and your everyday life. Grief will bring all the demons within you surface and walk among you, weighing down on your neck making you the worst person you ever thought you could be but that is just little thing called life. Just like other thing mystery we live with daily.

Karima, the most perfect little thing I had ever laid my two eyes on. The bronze colour of her hair. The way it rises and falls as the air picks it up and lays it back down. We the same gentleness that I had all those years ago, back when it was in another life in another time. Her two arms and legs no longer screwed onto each other and her face no longer cubby. She is now grown into a young lady. Her eyes lost of it's youth. Her lips resembling my straight line. She is mine after all.

In case you have not noticed Karin is in fact mine and I am no one to be feared. We all tend to fear that which we do not understand and that is in deed understandable. I know because I was once full of fears but now I am only full of regrets. We also tend to do somethings we might regret when we are blinded by our fears and deafened by the sound of our own doubts it makes us act dumbly. Karin is my daughter Karima and she knows the truth I am just here to remind her.

In order to move forward you need to look back. She is missing crucial parts of her early childhood development. She knows who I am. She will know why she is the most familiar with the person painted on that picture. She will learn the punishment of the coldness of the eye's drawn into that purple and grey canvas. She will move on and accept her truth as we all do. She will learn it the hard way, for there is no rest for the wicked. There is no rest for the lost. There is no rest for the damned. 

She is Karima Abrahams. She is my daughter. She is the one. She is mine. It is true. So it is. The ancestors had confirmed my suspicions and had offered their help, so how could I refuse. The ancestors are a lot of thing but you have to give it to them. They are thorough in the truth. They are very good healers. Karin is in need of a good healing. I cannot think of anyone better at healing then the truth the ancestors put on the table. Karin is in cable hands. Ayesha and Mihle are good spiritual people.

A good amount of mangstokkies is enough to entince anyone into doing a bit of soul searching and no one uses the sticks more than those two beings trying there level best to uphold there respective faith's, you simply cannot hate the two of them for that. Love and devotion is all that there hearts see and that is the bringer of all truth it is both strength and weakness and the mystery of the who's where's and when's of it all. That is the mystery of the creator whatever you may decide to name him. The universe. Allah. God.

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