Just Desert

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Archie, lead the two teens, one bonded to an office chair and the other complied. Archie knew that the time has come to set things straight between the two parties. All will be well again. There is no need to delay this any further. The road will be safe for Karin from here on out. She will have the chance to heal. She will be able to learn how to be whole again. She will accept her truth. All will be as it should. Karin will then be left with the decision that was taken away right from under her. 

The melting man could almost taste the victory he was about to receive, just dessert like victory and he had put in so much prep time. The three of them had stepped inside the elevator. If there were sounds to be heard from the three souls with the confined box it could not have be heard over the deafening internal emotional screaming at the three conscious state's of each of their minds. One of intense anticipation from a place so far from the both other two's understanding and the other two of immense fear and anxiousness, Karin and Mihle, respectively.

Karin was the needle in her hay stack of fear, she hated that the melting man from a painting had more control over her reality, then she had in her pinky toe. She wanted more than anything her control back and although she must admit to having a strange liking to the guy, she still never wished to see him or his pictures, or painting again. She was silently relieved that this year was her final year in school and she was more determined then ever to get over her crazy obessesion over Archie Smith, the melting man. We move.

Mihle was incridibly anxious, this was extremely important for him. His future depended on it. His dream was so close it was dancing in his palms. He would not have it slip through his fingers. The only thing between him and Eastern Cape is his own self-doubt. In this moment in time of his sake and the sake of everyone else he will not think of anything else then the dancer in the palm of his hand. At this moment he will allow his ambition to hold his nerves captive in the furthers connor his mind. He will succeed.

Archie was always on a different wavelengh then both Mihle and Karin. He always had the advantage and as he leads them towards the elevator he can feel the anticipation, from this moment on he will no longer have the advantage over them. Everything will soon fall in place just like confetti, just dessert and confetti. Mihle will assume his role as he should, he will no exactly what he was always meant to do. Archie made eye contact with the young sangoma and witnessed the cogs of the plan working as it should. All that must happen will happen.

The melting man lowered his finger, the elevator's up button grew even brighter. They were headed to the highest floor of the house. Archie lead them to the fourth floor, the floor with all the skeletons, the floor where the story was written on the walls all those nights ago. A story with no words but a thousands truths. The box where the three stood sunk a little and soon after it had begun to rise. Today all three beings were going to be liberated, the two kids, Mihle and Karin were to be liberated in spirit, whereas Archie critically.

They reached the fourth floor and this is were the magic happened. This was where the grey smoke was fanned out, and the purple curtains were opened so that the tint in the mirrors were cleared and the truth was finally out in the open. The truth through the eyes of Dr Robin Rose Van Wyk. All of it placed up upon their canvases lined up one behind the other, many different painting hung together perfectly for anyone to see the bigger picture, the painted family portrait of the melting man and his wife Wasilla Abrahams and their little girl.

Their little girl, Karima Abrahams, the melting man then thought to himself that this is when everything else will fall into place. Karin will learn who she is and all will happen as it should. Karin walked closer to the canvases. The closer she got the more confused she became. She was unable to understand anything. There were a lot of portraits all of the melting man and her mother, her uncle and Dr Van Wyk, there was one with Dr Van Wyk and the melting man. There was many portraits, there was even one of Ana and her girls.

Mihle still stuck in the office chair sat silently taking it all in. He knew one thing in that moment. He knew what was he to do. He would do what he was expected of him and he knew just who would be the most willing to help. With the help of his companion, Ayesha, he would be able to do his work perfectly. He could think of no one better to seek assistance from. This work of art fitted everything together like pieces of a puzzle and what a puzzle this was. Mihle stared at the melting man, Archie.

They both did. Both Mihle and Karin stared at the melting man. They were both still confused as to how they were to blind to see the truth for what it is. Mihle knew he was to be silent, it was never his place to ask the questions and never his right to be answered. Mihle just watched them in silence. Karin was not for tongue tied in the presence of the melting man. She was struggling for words. She was struggling for thoughts. She was struggling for tears. She was struggling, just struggling, struggling like she has always been.

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